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File Number: 17-078 <br />of aircraft noise, pollution and safety. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council also adopt a Resolution requesting support for these <br />matters before Congress. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·§7-43 - Through its participation in the Noise Management Forum, San Leandro will <br />work to reduce noise impacts associated with implementation of new flight pattern <br />protocols at Bay Area airports. In 2016, several East Bay cities were experiencing <br />impacts from the Metroplex air traffic control system, which has resulted in more <br />concentrated air traffic patterns. San Leandro will work with Congressional <br />representatives and others to bring FAA oversight and regulations up to date to <br />address and to resolve increased noise impacts on the community. <br />·Goal EH - 9 Minimize the local impacts and hazards created by air traffic, ground <br />operations, and all other aviation activities, particularly those associated with Oakland <br />International Airport. <br />·Policy EH - 9.2 Mitigation of Airport Noise. Pursue mitigation of airport noise impacts <br />to the fullest extent possible. Support and advocate for operational practices, changes <br />to aircraft, new technologies, and physical improvements that would reduce the number <br />of properties in San Leandro that are impacted by noise. <br />·Policy EH - 9.7 Legislative Changes to Improve Mitigation. Pursue legislative changes <br />that provide San Leandro and other cities with greater leverage regarding the mitigation <br />of noise impacts, air pollution impacts, and other off-site impacts resulting from <br />aviation. <br />·Action EH - 9.7.B: Relocation of the Noise Impact Boundary. Support federal legislation <br />that would relocate the Noise Impact Boundary from the 65 dB to the 55 dB CNEL <br />contour. In the event this change is made, evaluate the need for additional measures <br />that would reduce noise impacts to homes located in the 55 dB CNEL or louder range. <br />Attachment to Resolution Supporting Recommendations to the Federal Aviation <br />Administration for Revisions to the Northern California Metroplex Procedures <br /> Supplemental Proposals to Revising the Northern California Metroplex for Alameda <br />County/Contra Costa County <br />Attachment to Resolution Requesting Congressional Support for House Resolutions 3384, <br />3965, and 5075, and Senate Bill 2716 <br />House Resolution 3384 <br />House Resolution 3965 <br />House Resolution 5075 <br />Senate Bill 2761 <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/28/2017 <br />187