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File Number: 16-557 <br />successful Downtown will also be desirable for major development and re-investment projects, <br />which will in turn generate increased property tax for the City. <br />Recognizing that implementation of the DPMP would require a financial investment, the City <br />Council took action in 2016 to allocate $600,000 from a 2008 bond issuance by the former <br />Redevelopment Agency. That action was also approved by the Successor Agency Oversight <br />Board and the California Department of Finance. These funds are eligible for expenditure as <br />of July 1, 2017 and will be used initially for consultant costs related to implementation of the <br />Plan and for capital costs for the purchase and installation of new equipment at the garage. <br />An assessment of the fiscal impacts and a fiscal analysis of the DPMP is included as part of <br />the DPMP. <br />Comments Received from May 23, 2016 Council Work Session <br />Comments and feedbacks received from the Work Session are summarized as follows: <br />·Enhance parking enforcement. <br />·Address parking needs in the Farmers’ Market. <br />·Offer at least one free permit to each household for the RPP program. <br />·Place customers as the highest priority in business zones. <br />·Replace aged meters with smart meters soon to generate parking revenue. <br />·Do not offer free parking at all as parking should not be free. <br />·Encourage more biking and walking to downtown. <br />·Provide better guiding signage to Estudillo garage to increase its usage. <br />·Reduce the operating cost of the Estudillo garage. <br />·Use good judgement when hiring a consulting parking administrator. <br />·Promote convenient parking, easy payment options, and mobile applications. <br />·Provide integrated parking mapping system. <br />Having evaluated City Council’s comments and feedbacks, and the existing resources, staff <br />recommends City Council to approve the Downtown Parking Management Plan as guiding <br />principles of short-term, mid-term, and long-term action plans, and specifically approves <br />short-term action plans as outlined below to improve the downtown parking conditions. <br />A. Refine Organization Structure <br />§Short-Term: Conditions exist to move forward immediately (0-12 months): <br />o City Staff needs to determine responsible department/staff resource to develop <br />RFQ/RFP for outsourcing program and to serve as contact. <br />o It is recommended that the City develop and issue a request for qualifications <br />(RFQ) for third party parking management vendors to develop a qualified pool of <br />candidates to interview. <br />o Establish a Parking Technical Advisory Committee comprised of a diverse and <br />representative group of downtown stakeholder to gather input on parking <br />decisions and to ensure the community is included as a partner in program <br />implementation. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />590