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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RE: Exhibit A -CONSISTENCY MEMORANDUM FOR THE SLTC MIXED-USE PROJECT (PLN16-oo67) <br />JULY 17, 2017 <br />(i) Are pecu liar to the projector the parcel on which the project wou I d be I ocated, <br />(2) Were not analyzed as significant effects in a prior EIR on the zoning action, general plan, or <br />community plan, with which the project is consistent, <br />(3) Are potentially significant off-site impacts and cumulative impacts which were not discussed in <br />the prior EIR prepared for the general plan, community plan, or zoning action or, <br />(4) Are previously identified 5ignificanteffect5 which, asa resultof substantial new information which <br />was not known at time the EIR was certified, are determined to have a more severe adverse <br />impact than discussed in the prior EIR. <br />(c) If an impact is not peculiarto the parcel orto the project, has been addressed as a significant effect in <br />the prior EIR, or can be substantially mitigated by the imposition of uniformly applied development <br />policies or standards, then an additional EIR need not be prepared for the project solely on the basis <br />of that impact. <br />(d) This section shall apply only to projects which meet the following conditions: <br />(i) The project is consistent with: <br />(a) A community plan adopted as part of a general plan, <br />(b) A zoning action which zoned or designated the parcel on which the project would be located <br />to accommodate a particular density of development, or <br />(c) A general plan of a local agency, and an EIR was certified by the lead agency for the zoning <br />action, the community pan, orthe general plan. <br />CEQA GUIDELINES SECTIONS 15162 AND 15163 <br />CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15163 provide that the agency shall not prepare a subsequent or <br />supplemental EIR unless the agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence, that certain <br />conditions exist that would lead to a new significant impact or substantial increase in the severity of a <br />previously identified impact, orthat a new or previously rejected mitigation measure or alternative would <br />substantially reduce significant effects. (See also Public Resources Code Section 21166.) <br />GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CODE CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS <br />The project area is zoned Downtown Area (DA -6) District, and the General Plan land use designation is <br />Transit -Oriented Development Mixed Use. The DA -6 District is intended to implement specific provisions <br />of the Downtown San Leandro Transit -Oriented Development Strategy by clustering residential and <br />office uses in the vicinity of Davis Street and San Leandro Boulevard that will benefit from visibility from <br />these streets and the nearby BART station (San Leandro 2016c; CalRecycle 2014). <br />Per Zoning Code Section 2-676, development in the DA -6 District i requires approval bythe Cityto ensure <br />general consistency with the provisions contained in the Design Guidelines in the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit -Oriented Development Strategy. <br />Table 2 compares the project's proposed land uses with general plan and zoning code regulations. <br />