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File Number: 17-655 <br />Each year work is performed in one of the City’s four maintenance areas. This year streets within <br />the southern maintenance quadrant of San Leandro were evaluated for work. Priority was given to <br />streets with the lowest pavement condition index that had not deteriorated to the point that <br />replacement was required. The project installed approximately 5.0 lane miles of slurry seal and <br />approximately 4.8 lane miles of cape seal. <br />ADA compliant curb ramps were installed under a separate contract on streets that received <br />cape seal treatment. <br />Analysis <br />Construction is complete. The work was inspected and found in compliance with the contract <br />documents and City standards. <br />The successful completion of this project extended the useful life of 22 street segments of nearly <br />10 lane miles. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On June 5, 2017, by Resolution No. 2017-075, the City Council awarded a contract for <br />construction of the work to American Pavement Systems, Inc. for the Annual Street Sealing <br />2016-17 Project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Transportation Goal T-2 Design and operate streets to be safe, attractive, and accessible <br />for all transportation users whether they are pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders or motorists, <br />regardless of age or ability. <br />·Transportation Goal T-3 Promote and accommodate alternative, environmentally-friendly <br />methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling. <br />·Transportation Goal T-5 Improve major transportation arteries for circulation in and around <br />the City. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from CEQA review per CEQA Guidelines section 15301(c). <br />The Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder on December 2, 2016. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·The Notice to Bidders was published in the Daily Review, the South County Post, Vision <br />Hispana and the World Journal. <br />·Notices were issued to twenty-one builders’ exchanges and construction data firms as well as <br />a list of contractors that have asked to be notified of bidding opportunities via email. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/28/2017 <br />176