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File Number: 18-101 <br />·Introduction; <br />·Goals and Policies; <br />·Bicycle Network; <br />·Pedestrian Network; <br />·Safety, Education and Enforcement; and <br />·Implementation <br />The Introduction chapter identifies relationships with other plans, conformance with funding <br />requirements, community involvement in development of the plan, and project setting which <br />identifies major activity centers. These activity centers include schools, community/senior <br />centers, libraries, parks, government services, retail destinations, major employment centers, and <br />multimodal connections (e.g., BART, AC Transit). <br />The Goals and Policies chapter includes eight goals for promoting and enhancing bicycle and <br />pedestrian activity and safety in San Leandro. The goals are bolstered with Policy Statements <br />that define specific actions the City can take to accomplish each goal. The goals touch on broad <br />themes as follows: <br />·Goal 1: Comprehensive System <br />·Goal 2: Funding and Implementation <br />·Goal 3: Bikeability <br />·Goal 4: Walkability <br />·Goal 5: Transit Access <br />·Goal 6: Safety <br />·Goal 7: Education <br />·Goal 8: Land Use Policy <br />The Bicycle Network chapter discusses the City's existing and proposed bicycle network. <br />While the 2010 Plan led the City to focus on bikeways and larger streets, more recent work <br />expanded the network on smaller streets such that 43.4 total miles of bicycle facilities now exist. <br />The updated plan anticipates expansion of the bicycle network by employing new standards <br />included in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as well as guidance from the <br />National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). Various illustrations within the <br />chapter describe the types of facilities that can be installed as well as locations where the <br />facilities will contribute to an interconnected continuous network. A total of 37.3 miles of new <br />bicycle facilities are proposed in the updated plan, as well as support infrastructure such as <br />bicycle parking, wayfinding signage and self-repair fix-it stations. Figure 21 on page 90 of the <br />Plan provides a map of the proposed Bicycle Network, although some of the corridors will require <br />more refined engineering study to determine final implementation. <br />The Pedestrian Network chapter identifies locations where pedestrian improvements will <br />encourage and promote walking. The locations are identified either as Pedestrian Improvement <br />Areas that encompass areas of high pedestrian activity or proximity to important destinations, or <br />Key Pedestrian Locations that warrant special consideration because of potential safety or <br />accessibility issues. Figure 22 on page 106 provides a map of the Pedestrian Improvement <br />Areas and Key Pedestrian Locations. The Pedestrian Improvement Areas focus on activity <br />centers such as the BART stations, Downtown San Leandro, retail/commercial areas, the Marina, <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/13/2018 <br />125