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Reso 2018-031
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2018-031
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6/5/2019 10:54:21 AM
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4/20/2018 4:29:29 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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required, the project design should strive to incorporate the best green building/environmental <br />practices and meet as many LF,EDT"' credits as practicable. <br />Conceptual Design <br />Under this phase, the consultant shall: <br />• Complete a topographic study <br />• Visit site to review existing conditions <br />• Attend a startup meeting with City staff to review the current needs and requirements for <br />the facility and develop the project scope, budget and timeline <br />• Review project with applicable agencies (City Building Department, Alameda County <br />Fire Department, and Alameda County Health Services) and utilities to determine <br />required code and utility service improvements, includingNPDES stormwater treatment <br />requirements <br />• Review of available relevant project information provided by the City, including as -built <br />drawings that can be used to generate a background drawing. <br />• Provide recommendations regarding code improvements to bring the facility into <br />compliance with current codes related to the building, swimming pools and accessibility <br />requirements. <br />• Provide a cost estimate of proposed improvements, with a separate listing of the <br />minimum required improvements to meet code requirements. <br />• Provide budget recommendations and adjustments to project scope as necessary to keep <br />within budget. <br />Deliverables - This phase will result in the following drawings and work products: <br />• "Topographic Survey <br />• Site Plan <br />• Preliminary Aquatics Plan <br />• Building Floor Plan <br />• Preliminary Building Elevations <br />• Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems Descriptions <br />• Preliminary Landscape Plan <br />• Outline Technical Specifications, including product cut sheets <br />• Project Schedule <br />• Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate <br />Design Development Phase (70% PS&E) <br />This phase of work builds on the approved Conceptual Design from the preceding phase, and <br />begins to develop more detail including structural, mechanical and electrical systems, building <br />finish materials, and sustainable building strategies. This phase will include several in -progress <br />meetings with the City staff as more detailed information is developed and questions arise. <br />Deliverables - This phase will result in the following drawings and work products <br />• Site Plan <br />• Aquatics Plans <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 2/21/18 <br />Glass Architects for the Farrelly Pool Replacement Exhibit A — Page 2 of 4 <br />
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