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<br /> <br />RFP No. 57818 – Design Services for a Treatment Wetland Page 5 of 43 <br /> <br />Task 1: Project Administration and Management <br /> <br /> Within ten (10) working days from issuance of the notice to proceed, Consultant will <br />provide a workflow diagram for Phase I and II, with key decision points noted and an <br />associated schedule. At City discretion and upon written notification from the City, <br />Consultant shall provide workflow diagrams and an associated schedule for Phase III. <br /> The Consultant will participate in monthly update phone calls with the City, beginning <br />immediately during the term of the contract and continuing throughout. <br /> A kickoff meeting will be held at the beginning of the project with stakeholders to be <br />determined by the City, in consultation with the Consultant and SFBRA. Kickoff meeting <br />will be held by the second month of the project, at the latest. <br /> The Consultant will conduct project management activities, including: <br />o Supervise, coordinate and monitor design for conformance with standard <br />engineering practices and other governing agency requirements. <br />o Notify the City of any changes in scope or budget as soon as possible and propose <br />actions if necessary to correct these changes. <br />o Maintain communication by being available by phone or e-mail and responding in a <br />timely fashion. <br />o Maintain project files. <br />o Provide monthly written progress reports and invoices to the City, over the duration <br />of the Project, consistent with SFBRA’s Measure AA administration requirements. <br />This Project is anticipated to take place over twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months. <br /> <br />Task 2: Data & Information Collection <br /> <br /> Provide surveying services required to augment existing topography and to investigate <br />property boundary, utility and easement constraints. Topographic surveying will help <br />determine and verify specific tie-in locations and identify specific landscape features <br />such as existing levee cross-sections and ground-verify existing topography data. Utility <br />locations will be field checked and reflected in topographic maps. Property corners and <br />easements will be researched and identified. <br /> Develop a site plan of the existing 4.3-acre storage basin, based on existing available <br />information to be provided. <br /> Review existing geotechnical studies to determine the availability of information <br />necessary to complete the design. <br /> Collect and review additional relevant data to inform the design, including early design <br />work. <br /> Participate in up to three (3) full day workshops with the City and expert advisers to <br />discuss site conditions, constraints, and refine the Project concept. <br /> Prepare a Preliminary Design Report that summarizes the findings in Task 2. The City <br />will provide copies of relevant studies and reports to the Consultant, as well as available <br />drawings of the existing Plant facilities. After completion of the conceptual design report, <br />the Consultant will meet with the City to confirm the preferred layout, construction <br />sequencing, and construction materials. <br /> Provide task-specific status updates, accompanied with monthly invoices (Task 1). <br />191