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San Leandro has traditionally used the CDBG Program to support a number of homeless -serving <br />activities. Proposed activities include operational funding for programs, specifically the Davis Street <br />Family Resource Center, which is a community social service agency that provides homeless services <br />Supportive Housing Needs <br />The City intends to primarily use available HOME funds for any future transitional or permanent <br />supportive housing projects that will serve San Leandro residents with special needs. <br />Community Development Needs — Economic Development <br />If funding is available, the City may seek to allocate its CDBG funds to provide loans to eligible small <br />businesses for property upgrades in the next five (5) years. <br />Community Development Needs - Public Services <br />In the Five -Year Plan, the City proposes to continue providing program operational grants to these non- <br />profit agency social services providers serving San Leandro residents. During the next five (5) years, the <br />types of services considered priorities for CDBG funds are likely to include basic needs programs for low- <br />income individuals and families, meal delivery to homebound seniors, and shelter programs. In <br />accordance with HUD regulations, the City cannot commit more than 15% of its annual CDBG allocation <br />(plus the estimated CDBG generated program income from the current fiscal year) toward public <br />services. <br />Community Development Needs - Public Facilities and Improvements <br />Over the next five (5) years, the City hopes to use available CDBG funds to fund ADA improvements to <br />public facilities, install ADA curb ramps throughout the City, and assist non-profit social service agencies <br />serving San Leandrans with necessary facility improvements. The City will also use CDBG funds for <br />principal and interests payments in accordance to the 20 -year repayment schedule for the City's $2.5 <br />million HUD Section 108 Loan used to construct the City's senior center. <br />3. Evaluation of past performance <br />The City's HUD -approved Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPERS) for each <br />of the last four fiscal years covering the FY 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan period (July 1, 2010 through <br />June 30, 2015) assess the effectiveness of the CDBG-funded programs and activities in meeting the <br />priority needs for San Leandro. <br />4. Summary of citizen participation process and consultation process <br />HUD Consolidated Plan regulations provide guidelines for the City to develop a Citizen Participation Plan <br />that governs the public input and noticing process for creating the Consolidated Plan and subsequent <br />Consolidated Plan SAN LEANDRO 4 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br />