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File Number: 20-022 <br />Denalect’s scope of work includes the installation of low voltage wiring and security equipment <br />required for the protection of the Farrelly Pool facility at completion. Associated work, such as <br />underground conduits and wall-embedded conduits required to run the wiring will be installed by <br />Tricon Construction as part of its contract. <br />The City will also have other minor construction contracts with several vendors on this project: Ojo <br />Technology for the installation of security cameras, Smartwave Technology for the installation of a <br />microwave dish for internet connectivity, and JL McComb Coating Services for the installation of <br />anti-graffiti coating on the exterior masonry block walls. None of these other construction <br />contracts have a value large enough to require City Council approval. <br />Analysis <br />Denalect Alarm Company is the sole source supplier for the City’s building, fire and security <br />alarm systems. Their level of service has consistently met City requirements for the performance <br />of the alarm system. It is imperative for consistency and successful operation of the City’s <br />building, fire and security alarm system that the City retains a single source of service for all its <br />fire and security alarm system needs. Denalect fits into the above description, as it has been <br />providing these services to the City for the past seventeen years. <br />This contract represents staff’s current understanding of the work required. Changes to the scope <br />of contracts are at times necessary to respond to new information and/or to include additional <br />items of work necessary for a complete product. In order to resolve these issues in a timely <br />fashion and avoid delaying work, staff additionally requests authorization to negotiate and <br />approve individual amendments up to 10% ($5,185) of the original contract, and cumulative <br />change orders up to 15% ($7,777) of the original contract. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />·Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances <br />the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride <br />Previous Actions <br />·On November 4, 2019, by Resolution No. 2019-184, the City Council awarded a <br />construction contract to Tricon Construction, Inc. for the Farrelly Pool Replacement project. <br />·On June 2, 2003, by Resolution No. 2003-131, the City declared Denalect Alarm <br />Company as the sole source supplier for the City’s building fire and security alarm <br />systems. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />On February 7, 2018, staff presented the City’s Facilities and Transportation Committee <br />information on the Farrelly Pool Replacement project, the Boys and Girls Club Pool Resurfacing, <br />and the Family Aquatics Center Competition Pool projects. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/1/2020 <br />41