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File Number: 20-311 <br />lines and, with an exception for a 4 foot setback to accommodate the support and screening <br />features of the outdoor patios, the remainder of the building has a 10 foot setback along the <br />Estudillo Avenue property line. The east side of the revised building continues to maintain a <br />72-foot setback from the interior property line and complies with the daylight plane provisions for <br />projects adjacent to residential zones (Exhibits B and E). These dimensions are unchanged from <br />the prior proposal. <br />The 15-foot setbacks along Joaquin Avenue and Bancroft Avenue accommodate landscaping, <br />existing overhead utility transmission lines, storm water bioswales, and a stepped main entrance <br />with accessible ramp access to the lobby at the southwest corner of the building facing the <br />intersection of Bancroft and Joaquin Avenues. On the north side of the building, outdoor patios for <br />the ground floor units and a support column screening a portion of the upper patios will extend into <br />the 10 foot side setback along Estudillo Avenue. The eastern side of the building will contain a <br />screened and gated parking lot accessible from Joaquin Avenue with secondary access to <br />Estudillo Avenue limited to exiting only, the size and dimensions of which remain unchanged from <br />the prior proposal. A recessed rear portion of the building facing the east will contain usable <br />common space consisting of a patio, a children’s play area and a sport turf area. The sport turf <br />area is wider than the prior proposal due to the reduced footprint of the revised building that <br />removed three units from this location (Exhibit E). <br />The ground level would have 12 residential units and the second and third levels would have 15 <br />units each. The design and layout of the southwestern corner of the ground floor at the corner of <br />Bancroft Avenue and Joaquin Avenue remains consistent with the prior proposal, containing the <br />main entry, a lobby with an elevator, a vestibule with mailboxes and a package room, a <br />manager’s office, and leasing offices. The southeastern corner of the building also remains <br />consistent, with no changes proposed to the community room and bicycle storage room. The <br />northeastern corner of the building contains the trash room and utility meter rooms. <br />The roof has been redesigned to remove the open space patio deck area and landscaping. The <br />roof will no longer be accessible to tenants, but will continue to house an elevator penthouse, <br />stairwell access, wireless telecommunications equipment room and solar arrays for hot water and <br />photovoltaic power (Exhibit G). <br />The parking plan remains unchanged, providing a total of 55 parking spaces (Exhibits E and V). <br />This includes 47 covered resident spaces inside the screened and gated parking area and eight <br />additional parking spaces outside the gate along Joaquin Avenue. The entry gate is setback from <br />Joaquin Avenue in order to accommodate those vehicles waiting for the gate to open. As with the <br />prior proposal, a photovoltaic (PV-solar) carport/canopy is above the gated spaces and electric <br />vehicle charging stations are provided. With 42 proposed dwelling units, the project will provide <br />1.3 unbundled (unassigned) parking spaces per unit and will manage parking through a parking <br />management plan to optimize the available parking spaces. <br />Building Design and Architecture <br />The proposed architecture remains unchanged from the prior proposal. The design is <br />contemporary with varying roof lines, changing wall planes, and different materials, colors and <br />finishes on all four sides of the building (Exhibits H, I, K,L M, and N). Three of the four building <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/16/2020