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File Number: 20-311 <br />Traffic <br />The revised project will generate fewer vehicle trips than the existing 24,400 square feet of <br />medical and professional office buildings if they were fully occupied. As noted in the prior staff <br />report and traffic study considered by the City Council on February 4, 2019, multi-family <br />residential projects generate fewer vehicle trips and require less parking than uses such as <br />medical offices, restaurants, retail services and pharmacies that are common in the Professional <br />Office (P) zoning district. The traffic study found the proposed project would not result in an <br />increase in traffic generation or affect the Level of Service (LOS) of surrounding streets and <br />intersections. As the revised project now proposes 42 units, traffic generation will be further <br />reduced. Daily household driving for the revised project is projected to not result in more than 35 <br />daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per household. The proposed traffic reduction measures <br />earned the project a GreenTRIP certification. <br />Vehicle movements and the proposed parking lot and gate design remain unchanged in this <br />revised project. Traffic movements were previously analyzed by the City’s Engineering and <br />Transportation Department staff and found to be adequately designed. Vehicles may enter and <br />exit the property from Joaquin Avenue, but the driveway at Estudillo Avenue will only serve as an <br />exit point limited to right turns only. The proposed design was found to improve turning <br />movements onto Estudillo Avenue versus the current medical office layout. <br />Parking <br />Parking design for the revised 42 unit project remains unchanged. The project will provide a total <br />of 55 off-street parking spaces, equivalent to 1.3 spaces per unit. The tenant’s gated parking <br />area will contain 47 spaces including two Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) spaces, and the <br />ungated parking area contains eight spaces including one ADA-designated space. A proposed <br />parking management program provides unbundled parking, where an unused parking space <br />could be allocated to a tenant with a second vehicle. The applicant proposes to fully utilize all <br />parking spaces for residents, including those located outside of the gated area. <br />Street parking also remains unchanged. Five street parking spaces will be constructed along <br />Joaquin Avenue. The applicant requests the on-street parking space closest to Bancroft Avenue <br />be reserved for high-frequency delivery vehicles and signs posted to allow for 24 minute parking. <br />The project provides 55 parking spaces, less than the current code requirements for multi-family <br />residential projects outside of the downtown area. Zoning Code Chapter 4.08, Off-Street Parking <br />Requirements, requires a minimum of 2 covered parking spaces for two bedroom multi-family <br />units, plus 0.25 uncovered spaces per unit. For three bedroom units, the code requires 2 covered <br />spaces, plus 0.5 uncovered spaces per unit. In addition, 0.25 spaces per unit are required to be <br />designated for guest parking. State law grants parking credits for ADA accessible parking with <br />electric vehicle charging. Under this standard, the project would be required to provide 108 <br />parking spaces. The existing medical office buildings on the subject property have 91 parking <br />spaces, where 122 parking spaces are required by code. <br />As noted in the February 4, 2019 staff report, Staff finds the proposed parking count to be <br />acceptable because the location is transit accessible, the project is designed to accommodate <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/16/2020