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The Planned Development provides high quality urban design in comparison with <br />development under the base district zoning regulations while preserving the character <br />and quality of the surrounding neighborhood because the use and design of the <br />Planned Development is similar to and consistent with the type and character of land <br />uses found among the surrounding areas. The proposal meets the base CC <br />Commercial Community zoning district standards for lot area, width, height, coverage, <br />floor area ratio, density, daylight plane, and landscaping. With the exception needed <br />for open space, the base zoning district will remain in place with a Planned <br />Development Overlay District that allows for a high -quality development that would <br />otherwise not meet all applicable zoning standards. Therefore, it can be found that the <br />proposed location of the multi-family/townhome residential Planned Development is in <br />accord with the objectives of the Zoning Code and the purposes of the CC <br />Commercial Community zoning district. <br />2. That the proposed location of the use and the proposed conditions under which <br />it would be operated or maintained, will be consistent with the General Plan; will <br />not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare of persons residing or <br />working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of such use; and will not be <br />detrimental to properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general <br />welfare of the City. <br />The General Plan designation for the location of the multi-family/townhome residential <br />Planned Development will be CG General Commercial. This land use designation <br />allows a range of uses and permits residential uses. The development has been <br />evaluated for impacts to traffic, air quality, and public health and, based on analysis <br />identified in the staff report, the Initial Study — Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared <br />in accord with CEQA, and all plans and reports submitted to the City with the project <br />application, and it has been determined the project will not be detrimental to the public <br />health, safety or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the <br />neighborhood of the Planned Development project, and will not be detrimental to <br />properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the City because <br />the residential project is consistent with similar residential land uses in the surrounding <br />neighborhood. Any potential impacts have been mitigated to a less than significant <br />level through the mitigation measures and conditions of approval. The project has <br />been appropriately designed and will fully comply with all fire, safety, and building <br />codes. <br />With the application of grading and construction best practices, the effects of noise <br />and dust emanating from the project site will be mitigated to a less than significant <br />level. It has been determined to not generate an increased level of traffic over the <br />current land use and sufficient off-street parking has been provided. Further, the <br />project's site planning, use of exterior lighting, and landscaping materials will allow for <br />security and easy surveillance of the development. The development will enhance the <br />existing community atmosphere and provide an adequate level of safety and security <br />for its residents. The project will contribute to improved air quality through green <br />building construction methods and by providing three parking spaces with electric <br />vehicle charging stations as well as garage charging stations for residents. Also, the <br />infill site will be adequately served with public services, including utilities. The following <br />Exhibit A Recommended Findings of Fact and Determination September 8, 2020 <br />PLN19-0037 903 Manor Blvd. Page 2 of 6 <br />