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December 17, 2020Disaster Council Minutes <br />Councilmember Lopez thanked everybody because everyone has been working hard <br />during this tough year and to continue to do so as we move into the recovery mode. <br />Also, thanked city staff, Supervisor Chan’s office, and ACPHD for the flu clinic at the <br />SCC, which was broadcast on Spanish media. <br />Alameda County <br />• Office of Emergency Services <br />• Alameda County Fire Department <br />• Alameda Public Health Department <br />2.B. <br />Alameda County OES reported that today was the last in-person activation at the EOC <br />and it will be going virtual, thought they will continue the calls with the EM and elected <br />officials. A joint statement from Bay Area health officers was issued and focused on <br />the stay at home order extension due to ICU beds falling below 15% within the region. <br />ICU capacity for the region is 12.9%. Other regions, except for rural N. CA, is in worse <br />shape. Imperial County is trying to move the worst of its patients out. The hospitals <br />within the county are good, the issue here is staffing, which is also an issue throughout <br />the state. The vaccine is arriving at hospitals for internal distribution. There was a <br />workshop that covered how the hospitals are planning to roll out the vaccine and <br />another one will be held for emergency managers in January. The message needs to <br />get out that the vaccine is safe. <br />The county is seeing about 1000 new cases a day. The biggest issue is who is being <br />exposed and who is getting the test. The latest guidance is if someone is asymptotic, <br />they need to quarantine and get a test 3-5 days after the exposure. If someone has <br />symptoms, they should get a test right away and need to isolate at least 10 days. <br />They can resume activity only after having no symptoms for a day. <br />Food sites at the fairgrounds and in Oakland are in transition and are being taken over <br />by local food banks. The county support will be discontinued at the end of the month. <br />There are some issues with equipment that are at the sites. ALCO is in good shape <br />for PPE, warehousing and ordering the supplies. CARES funds run out at the end of <br />the month and now we need to make sure that the funds are spent to obtain the <br />needed supply. <br />Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) reported that staffing levels are holding firm, <br />though there have some positive cases and staff had to be quarantined. The <br />department did receive the vaccine today and front-line paramedics will get them soon. <br />The rest of the department will be receiving it during the second tier. <br />San Leandro City <br />• San Leandro City Manager <br />• San Leandro Police <br />2.C. <br />City Manager Kay thanked the staff for their work at the testing site and flu clinic. This <br />was Jeff’s last meeting. He appreciated all the expertise in the group and thanked <br />everyone for their hard work and working together. <br />San Leandro Police thanked Jeff Kay for his support and wished him the best in <br />Healdsburg. Emergency Services is looking ahead to the next year and starting to <br />develop plans. In the news, Moderna was just approved for emergency authorization <br />and hopefully the second vaccine will be available soon to vaccinate more people. A <br />question was asked whether there is enough vaccine for at least 10% of the population <br />and the currently the answer is that there is enough for frontline workers and as <br />Page 3City of San Leandro <br />88