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File Number: 21-156 <br />traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads through the implementation of <br />infrastructure-related highway safety improvements. <br />The City was awarded $254,405 in the 2015-2016 HSIP cycle to install a HAWK signal at the <br />Davis Street and Carpentier Street intersection. HAWK signals are considered a Pedestrian <br />Hybrid Beacon as defined in Chapter 4F of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, a <br />nationally adopted standard. This will be San Leandro’s second HAWK installation; San Leandro <br />installed its first HAWK signals at the intersection of Wicks Boulevard and Burkhart Avenue in <br />2019. <br />The project will install the HAWK signals and enhanced crosswalk at the subject intersection. <br />Upon demand the signal will display red lights to stop all traffic on the Davis Street and allow <br />pedestrians to cross this very busy street. Upon completion, it is anticipated that this installation <br />will appreciably improve the safety of pedestrians, consistent with the City Council’s goal of <br />making San Leandro safe for all modes of transportation. <br />Analysis <br />A total of six bids were received on March 17, 2021 ranging from $245,442 to $392,000. <br />Columbia Electric submitted the lowest bid of $245,442 and is determined to be the apparent <br />lowest responsive bid. The pre-bid engineer’s estimate for construction was $295,000. <br />This project is not subject to the provisions of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) or the <br />City’s Local Inclusion Policy Ordinance because it is a Federally Funded Project. <br />As is standard in the construction industry, staff balanced site investigation costs with the risk of <br />finding unforeseen conditions during construction as well as the design costs with the level of <br />detail on the plans. As a result, unforeseen conditions may be encountered during construction <br />and plan details may need to be adjusted or clarified. In order to minimize delay to the project <br />and ensure that the scope of work is adjusted as needed to provide the highest quality project for <br />the City, staff requests that the City Council authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to <br />negotiate and approve individual change orders up to 5% of the original contract amount <br />($12,272) and change orders up to a cumulative value of 15% of the original contract amount <br />($36,816). This will help ensure efficient completion of the project on budget and on schedule. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On February 5, 2007, by Resolution No. 2007-005, the City Council approved the previous <br />Administering Agency-State Agreement No. 04-5041R <br />·On June 19, 2017 by approval of Resolution No. 17-085, City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to execute the Administering Agency-State Agreement and the Program <br />Supplement Agreement that provides federal grant funding of $254,405 for the project. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/14/2021 <br />89