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File Number: 21-293 <br />has a valid Contractor’s State License Board license and is registered with the California <br />Department of Industrial Relations. <br />The bidder does not have an office in San Leandro that would qualify it as a local business per <br />the Local Inclusion Policy Ordinance. Also, the bidder does not meet the Local Business <br />Participation Goal of 25% by subcontracting with San Leandro businesses for 25% of the <br />contract value. However, the bidder provided documentation that demonstrated good faith efforts <br />to outreach and engage local business participation. This project is also subject to the provisions <br />of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) and all Bidders signed the CWA commitment <br />form. <br />Staff is currently working on a design for enhanced separation for Class IV bike lanes and motor <br />vehicle lanes on Fairmont Drive. Upon completion of the design, staff will negotiate a change <br />order for installation of the work. The budget for this work is approximately $220,000. <br />As is standard in the construction industry, staff balanced site investigation costs with the risk of <br />finding unforeseen conditions during construction as well as the design costs with the level of <br />detail on the plans. As a result, unforeseen conditions may be encountered during construction <br />and plan details may need to be adjusted or clarified. <br />In order to minimize delays to the project and ensure that the scope of work is adjusted as <br />needed to provide the highest quality project for the City and to provide capacity for a change <br />order to add enhanced separation of bicycle lanes on Fairmont, staff requests authorization to <br />negotiate and approve change orders up to 10% ($365,690) of the original contract amount and <br />cumulative change orders up to 20% ($731,380) of the original contract amount. This will help to <br />ensure efficient completion of the project on budget and on schedule. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On September 28, 2020, by Resolution No. 2020-400, the City Council approved a road <br />diet on Fairmont Drive and appropriated $220,000 in grant funds to Account No. 150-35- <br />451. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Land Use: LU-2.1.A Retrofitting Neighborhood Form <br />Identify opportunities and pursue grants to “retrofit” neighborhoods that were originally <br />designed for auto access and convenience in a manner that facilitates walking and <br />bicycling and reduces dependence on motorized vehicles for short trips. <br />·Transportation Goal T-2 Design and operate streets to be safe, attractive, and <br />accessible for all transportation users whether they are pedestrians, bicyclists, transit <br />riders or motorists, regardless of age or ability. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/4/2021 <br />96