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52. Install Fire Alarm Pull Station. Install a fire alarm pull station adjacent to the <br />main entrance door and within the processing area. <br />53. Inspection. Prior to operation of the extraction equipment, where required by <br />the fire code official, the engineer of record or approved licensed professional <br />shall inspect the site of the extraction process once equipment has been <br />installed for compliance with the technical report and the building analysis <br />pursuant to Section 3904.2. The engineer of record or approved professional <br />shall provide a report of findings and observations of the site inspection to the <br />fire code official prior to approval of the extraction process (3904.4 Site <br />Inspection). <br />VI. PUBLIC WORKS REQUIREMENTS <br />Project must comply with all applicable. State regulations as set forth by the <br />Bureau of Cannabis Control, CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing, and <br />Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch, as well as any local regulations for <br />cannabis waste disposal. <br />2. Business shall have sufficient solid waste and recycling storage capacity to <br />contain all waste generated onsite. Enclosure shall be of adequate size to <br />accommodate at least one solid waste and one recycling container of similar <br />size. If required, enclosure size must also accommodate a separate container <br />for the collection of organics (food scraps, compostable paper, and plant <br />debris). <br />3. Applicant must clearly indicate dimensions of proposed enclosure on site plan <br />to verify space requirements. To determine capacity needs, see Commercial <br />Establishment Enclosure Guidelines: <br /> <br />4. Applicant must provide keys or cards to the franchised waste hauler for any <br />locked gates. If keys or cards are not provided, then the Applicant must ensure <br />that all secured gates are open at 3:OOam for collection. <br />5. Bin storage should be located to be the least obtrusive/visible from a public <br />roadway. Per San Leandro Municipal Code §3.1.200, storage of solid waste, <br />recycling, and other materials outside of the enclosure that is visible from the <br />street is prohibited at all times. <br />6. Project must comply with all City and State construction and demolition debris <br />recycling requirements. Permit applicants must demonstrate compliance by <br />completing and submitting an online Waste Management Plan using Green <br />Halo Systems ( prior to permit issuance. <br />Applicants must submit recycling and disposal receipts online and submit the <br />waste management report before scheduling the final inspection. Note: Project <br />Page 12 of 17 <br />