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C. Prior to recordation of the final map, the property owner shall remove all outdoor <br />storage and the gate at the south end of the subject property. The property owner <br />shall make that space available for general parking (employees and visitors), per <br />the approved exhibits. All applicable codes shall be met and any and all necessary <br />building, demolition, or encroachment permits shall be obtained and finaled. <br />D. Prior to recordation of the final map, the property owner shall construct a trash <br />enclosure, per the approved exhibits. All applicable codes shall be met and any and <br />all necessary building permits shall be obtained and finaled. <br />II. REQUIRED REPORTS <br />A. Prior to final snap recordation, property owner shall submit updated property <br />evaluation reports detailing the structural conditions, useful life and any apparent <br />deferred maintenance on the property which may include, but is not limited to, <br />foundations, electricity, plumbing, utilities, walls, ceilings, windows, frames, fire <br />protection, building exterior, building interior, disabled access, roofing, HV AC, <br />and drainage facilities. Such report shall also describe the condition of refuse <br />disposal facilities and exterior lighting. Said reports shall be reviewed and approved <br />by the Zoning Enforcement Official. Required improvements shall be completed <br />with approved Building Permits prior to issuance of a Final Map. <br />III. ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />A. The proposed development shall comply with City ordinances, policies and <br />regulations. All improvements shall be in accordance with the City's Design <br />Standards, Specifications and Standard Plans unless otherwise specifically <br />approved by the City Engineer <br />B. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, including Section 66020 (d) (1), the <br />City HEREBY NOTIFIES the Applicant for this Project that the 90-day approval <br />period (in which the property owner may protest the imposition of any fees, <br />dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on this Project by these <br />Conditions of Approval) will begin on the date of the conditional approval of this <br />Project. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-day period, complying with all of <br />the requirements of Government Code Section 66020, you will be legally barred <br />from later challenging any such fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions. <br />C. Design review fees, development impact fees, permit fees, inspection fees, and any <br />other fees charged by the City or other reviewing agencies for the review, approval, <br />permitting and inspection of the above listed public improvements shall be paid by <br />the Applicant. <br />D. Site Improvement Plans for all on -site and off -site improvements shall be approved <br />by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of Building Permits for the project. All <br />improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's <br />AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS July 22, 2021 <br />PLN20-0038 2483-2495 Washington Avenue Page 4 of 7 <br />