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File Number: 22-102 <br />hotel and make use of ample windows to take advantage of the views of the San Francisco Bay. <br />Market <br />A detached approximately 3,000 sf one story commercial structure is proposed to accommodate <br />a market, café, or other retail use with outdoor seating. The market would be in the parking area <br />to serve hotel guests, residents, and visitors that are visiting the surrounding areas. <br />Parking and Site Improvements <br />The hotel, restaurants, and market will be located in the portion of the Shoreline area zoned <br />CC(PD). The hotel will be located on an approximately 6.11-acre leased parcel and the <br />restaurant/banquet facility and market will be on separate, smaller leased parcels. The proposed <br />hotel, restaurants, and market development require a total of 434 automobile parking spaces per <br />the CC District regulations. The applicant is planning to provide 455 spaces in two surface <br />parking lots adjacent to the new development. The “West Parking Lot” will provide shared parking <br />for the new City park. The project exceeds the minimum landscaping requirement of 30,302 sf <br />and proposes 79,848 sf of landscaping with plant materials that have been selected for the <br />project’s proximity to the bay, including plants that thrive in windy conditions and can handle soil <br />which might be higher in alkalinity. <br />Multi-Family Housing <br />A 285-unit multi-family building is proposed to be located on a 6.37-acre site. Attachment 3 <br />contains plans for the five-story structure that would include a mix of one- and two-bedroom units. <br />The apartments will be located in a portion of the Shoreline area zoned RM-1800(PD) with a High <br />Density Residential (RH) General Plan Land Use designation that allows for up to 50 dwelling <br />units per acre (du/ac) with approval of a Planned Development Project. The residential amenity <br />spaces for the apartment building include an outside pool on the first level and a club room and <br />roof deck exterior space on the fifth floor that take advantage of the views of the Bay. <br />As noted above, the Planned Development Project would allow for the density of the apartment <br />project to be evaluated under the High Density Residential (RH) General Plan land use <br />designation that allows for up to 50 du/ac. The proposed 285 units equates to 47.75 du/ac. As in <br />the case of the hotel, the Planned Development Project would allow for the 58-foot-tall apartment <br />structure to exceed the RM1800 District height limit of 50-feet maximum. <br />The Planned Development Project would also allow for a reduction in the amount of open space <br />required in the RM1800 Zoning District. Approximately 57,000 square feet of open space would <br />be required for the 285-unit project, which will provide approximately 40,526 square feet of <br />common open space on site plus an additional 15,074 sf of private open space through the use <br />of balconies. Private balconies must measure 60 square feet with a minimum dimension of six <br />feet to count towards the 200 square foot open space requirement. The proposed balconies do <br />not meet the Zoning Code minimum standards for private open space and are typically 5’ x 7’ with <br />corner units measuring 5’ x 12’. The unique project location will offer future residents ample <br />opportunity to access nearby open spaces, including Marina Park to the south, Oyster Bay <br />Regional Park to the north, and the planned park and Bay Trail immediately adjacent to the <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/9/2022