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File Number: 22-102 <br />The Planned Development Project would allow for the creation of specific setbacks and <br />development standards to fit the specific development and product type. Typical setbacks are <br />proposed as follows: <br />Front - 4’ minimum, 5’ to garages <br />Side - 3’-6” minimum (7’ between homes) <br />Rear - 5’ minimum with typical yard spaces of 10’ x 20’ <br />Townhomes <br />As shown in Attachment 4, the townhomes will offer three floor plans and occur in two building <br />types - a 6 plex and an 8 plex with one cohesive style. Plan 3 is specifically designed to be <br />located at the end of buildings along Monarch Bay Drive and features a 2nd floor deck and larger <br />view windows. <br />The design of the townhomes is intended to be simple, yet bold, with a primarily stucco façade <br />with vertical cementitious siding and metal railings. The overall height to the roof deck stair tower <br />is approximately 43 feet and the typical parapet is 37 feet above grade. The townhomes will vary <br />material use through varying color schemes that are being developed. <br />Vesting Tentative Tract Map <br />A vesting tentative tract map is proposed for the 75-acre City-owned Shoreline area to divide it <br />into 12 parcels (including the harbor basin) that are varied in size and reflect the updated <br />Shoreline Development. The reconfigured parcels, shown in Attachment 1, will also allow the City <br />to sell and lease the land to Cal-Coast as outlined in the DDA and associated Purchase and Sale <br />Agreement and Leases. The proposed vesting tentative map would establish parcels as follows: <br />New Parcels / Purpose <br />A Reconstructed Mulford-Marina Library <br />B Reconstructed 9-Hole Golf Course <br />C Residential Subdivision for Townhomes and Single-Family <br />D Sewer Lift Station <br />E Recycled Water Pump Station <br />F Horatio’s Restaurant (Existing - no changes) <br />G Marina Inn (Existing - no changes) <br />H Multi-Family Apartments <br />I Parking Areas for Hotels, Restaurants, and Adjacent Uses <br />J Restaurant/Banquet Facility <br />K Market/Café structure <br />L Public Space areas; Parking, Harbor Basin, and public open space areas <br />Off-Site Improvements <br />The Shoreline Development includes a number of off-site improvements, including: <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/9/2022