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<br />1 <br /> <br />1. Background and Introduction <br />This Home Together Implementation Plan (the Plan) is a community-wide plan for Alameda County <br />which lays out the goals and strategies needed to dramatically reduce homelessness by 2026 and <br />combat racial disparities in homelessness through fully centering equity. The Plan’s overarching goals <br />and time frame align with Alameda County’s Vision 2026 which holds as one of its primary objectives to <br />“ensure the availability of diverse and affordable housing for all residents with the goal of eliminating <br />homelessness in Alameda County.” The Home Together Plan covers a five-year time frame, beginning <br />January 2022 and ending December 2026. <br /> <br />This Plan builds on a variety of processes and planning that has occurred during the last two years, <br />including: <br />• The racial equity analysis and system modeling process that is detailed in the January 2020 <br />Centering Racial Equity in Homeless System Design (CRE) report <br />• Racial Equity Action Lab (convened by the Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative) which <br />centered lived expertise input and process recommendations on implementing CRE <br />• The Home Together Plan adopted by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors in August of <br />2020 <br /> <br />Home Together 2026 provides a strategic roadmap for implementing the Centering Racial Equity <br />recommendations generated during 2019-2020. This Community-wide Plan includes five-year targets <br />for the creation of significant quantities of new housing and shelter in order to meet the unmet need of <br />all people experiencing homelessness by 2026. A companion Home Together County Action Plan speaks <br />to the specific role of the County in co-leading efforts to address homelessness with cities and <br />community partners, and the key roles of specific county agencies and resources. Cities within Alameda <br />County have participated in the community process for this overarching Community Plan and are <br />encouraged to develop and adopt similar jurisdictional implementation plans to align with the <br />Community plan. CRE and recent strategy sessions to create this plan have been informed by a diverse <br />group of stakeholders. <br /> <br />The initial Centering Racial Equity report, and this Plan, were supported by in-depth needs analysis <br />conducted by national technical assistance provider Abt Associates. The recommendations were <br />informed by an extensive community input process which included participation of system leaders, <br />program participants, service providers and other partners in homelessness response. The process <br />included research using local data and multiple focus groups with people of color who were currently <br />or recently homeless regarding their race-impacted experiences. The CRE report resulted in <br />recommendations for significant system additions but did not include action steps to implement the <br />recommendations. <br /> <br />As the Home Together Community Plan was developed it became clear that some updating to the <br />original needs analysis was necessary. The COVID-19 Pandemic, which began shortly after the CRE <br />modeling was completed, has changed the landscape of resources, and some data used from 2019 was <br />able to be updated with more complete information from the countywide Homeless Management <br />Information System (HMIS). While some updates were made, there was also a strong commitment to <br />maintain the critical assumptions and decisions that were widely discussed in the CRE planning process. <br />To consider changes and updates to the model, a planning group was jointly convened by County’s <br />Office of Homeless Care and Coordination (OHCC) and EveryOne Home (EOH), the CoC backbone