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Packet 04182022
9D Consent
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4/18/2022 1:31:50 PM
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4/18/2022 1:31:34 PM
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<br />iii <br /> <br />renovating hotels used as shelters during the pandemic. By Year 5 the amount of shelter needed on an <br />ongoing basis is expected to be slightly less than what is available today if all housing resources are in <br />place <br /> <br />The total cost of increasing the shelter and housing inventory over the coming five years to fully meet <br />the need would be $2.5 billion. This includes roughly $430 million for additional shelter, $1.68 billion <br />for permanent housing such as dedicated affordable housing and permanent supportive housing, and <br />$388 million for prevention, rapid rehousing and shallow (more limited) subsidies within the <br />homelessness response system. This does not include the one-time development costs for new <br />buildings, but covers operations and services, and subsidies to help people rent existing housing. <br />Similar to their proportion of the homeless population, the new investments are roughly 10% ($194 <br />million) for inventory and resources for households with minor children, and 90% ($2.3 billion) for the <br />inventory and resources to serve adult only households, including transition age youth. <br />To reach these goals while decreasing racial disparities, the Home Together Plan recommends specific <br />action steps in four categories: <br />1) Prevent Homelessness for our Residents <br />a. Address racial disparities in mainstream/upstream systems to prevent disproportionate inflow <br />of African Americans into homelessness <br />b. Focus resources for prevention on people most likely to lose their homes <br />c. Rapidly resolve episodes of homelessness through Housing Problem Solving <br />d. Prevent racially disproportionate returns to homelessness <br />2) Connect People to Shelter and Needed Resources <br />a. Provide neighborhood-based access where people are most likely to lose housing <br />b. Lower programmatic barriers to crisis services such as prevention, problem solving, and shelter <br />c. Prevent discharge from mainstream systems to homelessness <br />d. Significantly increase the availability of shelter, especially non-congregate models, to serve <br />vulnerable adults and families with children and to reduce unsheltered homelessness. <br />e. Provide accessible behavioral health services to people with serious mental illness or substance <br />use needs and who are unsheltered, in shelter, or in supportive housing programs. <br />3) Increase Housing Solutions <br />a. Add units and subsidies for permanent supportive housing <br />b. Create units with more intensive health services for seniors and medically fragile residents <br />c. Create dedicated affordable housing subsidies for people who do not need intensive services <br />d. Create shallow subsidies for those who need more limited assistance <br />e. Add new slots of rapid rehousing for those who can take over their full rent given time <br />f. Ensure new housing funding is distributed according to need <br />g. Reduce entry barriers to housing and ensure racial equity in referrals and placements <br />4) Strengthen Coordination, Communication and Capacity <br />a. Use data to improve outcomes and track racial equity impacts <br />b. Improve messaging and information availability <br />c. Build infrastructure to support new and expanded programs
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