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File Number: 22-278 <br />development are compatible with existing homes and maintain aesthetically pleasing <br />neighborhoods. <br />Policy LU-2.12 Off-Street Parking. Ensure that a sufficient number of off-street parking <br />spaces are provided in new residential development to minimize parking "overflow" into <br />neighborhoods. The visual prominence of parking should be minimized in new development <br />areas. <br />Policy LU-2.13 Gated Communities. Unless overriding public safety considerations exist, <br />discourage the development of “gated” communities or the gating of already developed <br />neighborhoods or subdivisions <br />Policy LU-2.14 Emergency Access. Ensure that all new development is designed for <br />adequate access by emergency vehicles. <br />Policy LU-2.15 Usable Open Space Provisions. Require useable open spaces for <br />community use in large new residential developments. Wherever feasible, such spaces should <br />contain play equipment, children’s activity areas, and other amenities that draw people <br />outdoors, create street life, and instill a sense of community. In higher density and mixed use <br />areas, such spaces may provide for activities such as outdoor performances, farmers <br />markets, outdoor dining, and community gatherings. <br />Policy LU-2.17 Constrained Sites. Focus new housing development on underutilized or infill <br />sites on the city’s flatter lands, rather than on previously undeveloped sites in the hills. <br />Development on sites with significant geologic, hydrologic, or land stability constraints should <br />be strongly discouraged. <br />Policy LU-3.1 Mix of Unit Types. Encourage a mix of residential development types in the <br />city, including single family homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, <br />live-work units, planned unit development, garden apartments, and medium to high density <br />multi-family housing. <br />Policy LU-3.2 Mix of Price Ranges. Encourage a mix of price ranges to provide housing <br />choices for San Leandro residents of all incomes and ages. Opportunities to include <br />affordable units and market rate units within the same development projects should be <br />pursued. <br />Policy LU-3.3 Affordable Housing Design. Design new affordable housing to blend in with <br />the existing fabric of the community. Affordable housing should be located in a variety of <br />neighborhoods rather than concentrated in one particular part of the city. <br />Policy LU-3.4 Promotion of Infill. Encourage infill development on vacant or underused <br />sites within residential and commercial areas. <br />Policy LU-3.10 Market-Rate Housing. Encourage the provision of a significant amount of <br />market-rate ownership and rental housing as part of an effort to maintain and diversify the <br />city’s economic base. <br />Page 8 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/27/2022