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File Number: 22-278 <br />Inclusionary Housing <br />The proposed project meets the San Leandro Zoning Code requirement for Inclusionary Housing <br />by designating three houses as affordable for low and moderate-income households. Per the <br />Inclusionary Housing Plan, attached to the Staff Report, the applicant proposes the three units <br />(two for moderate income households and one for a low income household) to be dispersed <br />throughout the project site. The income-restricted houses will be located at the north, center, and <br />south of the project site, thus they are not clustered together in a single area. San Leandro <br />residents, City or school district employees, and persons employed in San Leandro will be given <br />preference in the selection process per the Inclusionary Housing requirements. The developer is <br />conditioned to execute an instrument or agreement restricting the sale of the owner-occupied <br />inclusionary units in accordance with Zoning Code Section 6.04.144 Owner-Occupied Units. <br />GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE <br />The General Plan designation for the location of the single-family residential Planned <br />Development is Low-Medium Density Residential. This land use designation permits attached <br />and detached single family houses on small lots. Lots smaller than 5,000 square feet are <br />permitted. Gross densities generally range from 7 to 11 units per acre, including streets and <br />easements. Maximum allowable net density in this category is 12.4 units per net acre. Although <br />more dense than the “Low Density Residential” category, these areas retain the basic amenities <br />and qualities of a single family neighborhood, including front and rear yards, driveways, and <br />garages. Most areas with this General Plan designation have been developed using Planned <br />Development (PD) zoning, allowing flexible lot standards. The proposed project density of 7.4 <br />units per acre is below the maximum density allowance of the Low-Medium Density Residential <br />designation. The following General Plan action, goals, and policies are relevant to this residential <br />project (note: LU-Land Use): <br />Policy LU-1.5 Front Yards. Encourage the attractive treatment of front yards and other areas <br />in residential neighborhoods that are visible from the street. Landscaping of front yards should <br />be consistent with the City's water conservation and Bay-friendly landscaping goals. <br />Policy LU-1.8 Fences. Require that any fencing in residential neighborhoods meets high <br />aesthetic and safety standards. Residential fencing should not obstruct vehicle sight lines, be <br />compatible with the architectural design of nearby structures and make a positive contribution <br />to the character of the neighborhood. <br />Policy LU-2.1 Complete Neighborhoods. Strive for “complete neighborhoods” that provide <br />an array of housing choices; easy access to retail stores, commercial services, and medical <br />care; quality public schools; great parks and open spaces; affordable transportation options; <br />and civic amenities. <br />Policy LU-2.6 Preservation of Low Density Character. Preserve the low-density character <br />of San Leandro’s predominantly single family neighborhoods. <br />Policy LU-2.8 Alterations, Additions, and Infill. Ensure that alterations, additions and infill <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/27/2022