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ecomments_export 01042022 Reg mtg
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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I support the passage of the Multifamily Development Standards, including the elimination of off-street parking <br />minimums in the Downtown Area and South Area zones. (If I read it correctly, that is what staff are <br />recommending.) <br />More new homes with less built-in parking will help San Leandro move in the direction of the walkable city we all <br />desire. More people will walk or bike to local businesses, more people will have access to housing, more people <br />will become part of the fabric of our diverse community adding nothing to traffic congestion and carbon <br />emissions. With this and other steps, San Leandro has the power to move toward being a more welcoming, more <br />accessible place, and to achieve our climate goals and give our children and grandchildren a better environment. <br />Historically, requiring off-street parking was never a policy with any good justification in the first place. From the <br />first year it was instituted in Bay cities in the mid-1960s, people recorded it was reducing the amount of new <br />housing. Whatever the intentions, it had the effect of remaking much of our urban landscape into a car-centered <br />one, where no new housing was allowed without being chock full of parking, even if it was near transit. It was the <br />true "one size fits all" approach. San Leandro city staff have observed in report after report, housing element after <br />housing element, going back to the early 2000's if not earlier, that our high off-street parking requirements are a <br />major obstacle to getting the housing we desire. <br />After taking this step, we should study parking requirements citywide and make more needed changes, including <br />the residential zones outside DA and SA, and commercial zones. But you have enough information before you to <br />make this modest change in DA and SA now. <br />This reform will also make transit systems more sustainable and lay the groundwork for their expansion: AC <br />Transit has written in strong support of eliminating the parking minimums. <br />There are many steps to go. But on Tuesday, the Council has the ability to take a first big step forward toward the <br />walkable city. Please follow the staff recommendation to eliminate off-street parking minimums. <br />Guest User <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 5:47pm 01-03-22 <br />I strongly support the Planning Commissions recommendations to remove parking minimums in new housing in <br />the transit-adjacent zones "Downtown Area" and "South Area", and to increase bike parking and EV <br />requirements. San Leandro has great weather the majority of the time throughout the year. It's super bikable and <br />walkable, I want to see more green space developed and let parking lots. <br />Tom Huetteman <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 4:29pm 01-03-22 <br />I strongly support the Planning Commissions recommendations to remove parking minimums in new housing in <br />the transit-adjacent zones "Downtown Area" and "South Area", and to increase bike parking and EV <br />requirements. It is way past time that we embrace a vision for our City's future that moves away from the <br />traditional car-centered city to a more livable and sustainable future that creates a walkable city that puts its focus <br />on walking and biking, public transit and car sharing. The horrific smoke that has become sadly a common <br />occurrence is a stark reminder of the urgent need to move away from fossil fuel dependence and have "all-hands- <br />on-deck" to address climate change. We can do this and build better and stronger communities at the same time. <br />Not acting proactively is not an option! <br />Guest User <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 1:46pm 01-01-22 <br />I live a car-free life in San Leandro with my husband and our infant. I would like to see parking minimums done <br />away with because we have great public transit here and people don't need cars. Adding minimums to new <br />developments increases costs for a resource fewer and fewer people in San Leandro need.
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