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including the requirements of Zoning Code chapter 3.04. The Planned Development <br />Project establishes specific development standards for this project, which ensure <br />orderly and thorough planning that will result in high -quality urban design. The Project <br />includes variety and avoids monotony in providing access, light, open space, and <br />amenities. <br />The Project complies with the City's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance through an <br />Alternative Inclusionary Housing Plan, as allowed under San Leandro Zoning Code <br />Section 6.04.132. The Project will include dedicated on -site workforce and moderate <br />income inclusionary housing units in the single-family and townhome development that <br />will help the City address the shortfall of above moderate income housing per the City's <br />regional housing needs allocation. The Project will also make housing in -lieu fee <br />payments totaling over $2 million for the multi -family residential portion of the project, <br />which will significantly increase the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund such that the <br />City will be able to leverage such funding for future affordable housing projects. Due to <br />the demise of redevelopment state-wide in 2012, the ongoing decline in federal <br />affordable housing funding, and the minimal in lieu fee revenue into the Affordable <br />Housing Trust Fund since the Great Recession of 2008, this project provides a much <br />needed injection of affordable housing funds into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. <br />The Project also fulfills a significant opportunity site for housing that has awaited <br />redevelopment for a long time and substantially supports the City in meeting its housing <br />goals. <br />The following Housing Element goals and actions are relevant to this mixed -use project: <br />GOAL 53 Affordable Housing Development. Increase the supply of ownership and <br />rental housing in San Leandro affordable to extremely low, very low, low, and moderate <br />income households. <br />Action 53.04-B Revisions to Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. Revise the <br />Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Zoning Code Chapter 6.04) to incorporate <br />"lessons learned" since its adoption. It may be desirable to amend the Ordinance <br />so that it is more responsive to market fluctuations. The aim of the revision should <br />be to increase the production of affordable units while still achieving geographic <br />dispersal of affordable housing across the City. Changes to the Ordinance should <br />consider: <br />• Making it easier to contribute to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund rather <br />than incorporating inclusionary units on site. Such a change could enable <br />deeper levels of subsidy for affordable housing development and increase <br />the supply of very low and extremely low income units when above moderate <br />income housing is built. <br />4. That the proposed use will not create adverse impacts on traffic or create demands <br />exceeding the capacity of public services and facilities, which cannot be mitigated. <br />The Project will not create adverse impacts on traffic or create demands exceeding the <br />Page 5 of 12 <br />Exhibit A <br />