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File Number: 22-401 <br />Division of Boating and Waterways is an effort to address the problem of abandoned watercraft. <br />The purpose of the program is to provide funds to local public agencies to remove, store, and <br />dispose of abandoned, wrecked, or dismantled vessels or any other partially submerged objects <br />that pose a substantial hazard to maritime navigation. Public Works is also able to accept aged <br />vessels turned in by owners that no longer have means to properly care for their boats. <br />Analysis <br />The City was informed of the successful application and SAVE Grant award of $170,000 on <br />September 10, 2021. In accordance with grant guidelines, a 10% local matching contribution is <br />required for the SAVE Program. The contribution may be rendered in cash, or through in-kind <br />contributions that must be verified and approved, all at the discretion of the Department of <br />Boating and Waterways. The local matching contribution could include, but is not limited to, <br />administrative costs, personnel hours, and removal costs. The City will contribute the 10% local <br />matching contribution in administrative costs and personnel hours (overseeing contracts and <br />preparing watercraft for towing, removal, and disposal). The cost to remove and dispose of the <br />vessels ($99,500) will be fully reimbursed by the SAVE Grant. The 597 Shoreline Fund will bear <br />the 10% local matching in-kind contribution. <br />Previous Actions <br />Resolution No. 2021-142 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a $170,000 Surrendered and <br />Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE-21) Grant Agreement with the State of California, <br />Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways for Abatement of <br />Surrendered and Abandoned Watercraft at the San Leandro Marina and the San Leandro <br />Shoreline. <br />Financial Impacts <br />This Shoreline Enterprise funded project will cost a not-to-exceed amount of $99,500. The <br />project requires a reappropriation of $99,500 from the FY 2021-2022 to the FY 2022-2023 <br />budget from Account 597-57-177-5890. This is a cost recoverable expense that will be <br />reimbursed by the Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE-21) Grant. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment(s) to Staff Report <br />·Attachment A: Resolution of the City of San Leandro City Council to Authorize the City <br />Manager to Execute a Non -Professional Services Agreement with Lind Marine, Inc. for <br />Removal and Disposal of 15 Boats and Four (4) Boat Trailers from the San Leandro <br />Marina in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $99,500 <br />·Attachment B: Non-Professional Services Agreement with Lind Marine, Inc. for Removal <br />and Disposal of 15 Boats and Four (4) Boat Trailers from the San Leandro Marina <br />PREPARED BY: Liz Jimenez, Public Works Services Manager, Public Works <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022