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City Council Staff Report January 13, 2000 <br />A-99-6 & PD-99-6 Page 3 of 5 <br />The second floor will be used as a conference room for seminars and professional meetings of <br />Veterinary Doctors and Technicians, once or twice a week. It is expected that attendance at the <br />u seminars will range from eight to a maximum of 20 persons. The second floor is connected to the <br />existing animal hospital by a patio deck that bridges the two buildings. <br />The basement will be accessible via two stairwells and the elevator. Most of the specialized <br />treatment will occur in this area where X-ray shielding is required and will be provided by being <br />underground and behind thickened concrete walls. <br />The new animal hospital will have conventional hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. The existing facility <br />is an emergency pet hospital and is open 24-hours. The new facility will include seven employees <br />(three doctors, four technicians). Five doctors and five technicians/clerical persons staff the <br />existing hospital. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Site Plan <br />Adequate on -site parking and circulation will be provided on the combined parcels to serve the <br />proposed animal hospital expansion. The expansion will comply with all the Zoning Code <br />requirements with the exception of the building setback and the height of the building tower, which <br />would intercept a 45-degree daylight plane from the residentially zoned property. The reduced <br />setback of the building and shadow of the tower, however, will have no impact on the adjacent <br />residential property, which is developed with a large garage for the townhouse residents. Thus, the <br />exceptions for the proposed building will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent residences. <br />The zoning district allows for a zero side yard setback for structures that are adjacent to <br />commercially zoned properties. The proposed north and west elevations would have a zero <br />setback. Although these sides of the building are on the property line, the building will maintain a <br />setback of approximately 50-feet from the art gallery building to the west and the convalescent <br />hospital to the north. These separations are developed with parking lots for the respective uses. <br />Furthermore, the architect will treat these walls with varying types of block, similar to the existing <br />building, to vary color and texture of the walls. <br />Architecture <br />The architectural design such as exterior details, colors, materials and finishes will match the <br />existing building. The new building will blend in nicely with the existing one. Specifically, the <br />new building will be consistent in design with the original building, which received a Planning <br />Commission Design Award in 1999. <br />The north and easterly edges of the site, contiguous to residential development will be treated with <br />a minimum eight -foot high heavy timber fence, except where there is already a garage constructed <br />on the property line. The heavy timber fence was an original component of the existing <br />