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During the term of this agreement, these amounts will be adjusted by an amount equal to the <br />change (increase or decrease) in the Kaiser 5 + 5 co -payment. <br />Employees electing to enroll in the CaliforniaCare Plan C2 or Blue Cross Prudent Buyer <br />Plan will be required to contribute the difference between the above amounts and the actual <br />cost of the medical plan premium. Such employee contribution will be on a pre-tax basis as <br />specified above. <br />Employees electing, not to enroll in the core medical plan (i.e. non -enrollment in the medical <br />and dental plan) and demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City of enrollment in another <br />medical plan, shall receive $150 per month for their non -election of medical/dental benefits. <br />In the event both spouses are employed by the City and eligible to enroll in the City's <br />medical benefits plan, one employee may elect not to enroll in the medical plan and will <br />receive the $150 per month payment. Employees electing not to enroll in the medical plan, <br />but continuing enrollment in dental shall receive One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month <br />for their non -enrollment in medical benefits. <br />Re -enrollment in medical and/or dental shall be allowed only based upon a qualifying event <br />as defined by the Internal Revenue Service codes, or during a regularly scheduled open <br />enrollment period. <br />B. Medical (Retiree) <br />The City shall pay the contributions required by the health plans' two-party rate for retired <br />City management employees who are currently members of one of the City's three health <br />plans. The City shall contribute to the health plan two-party rate costs until the retired <br />employee is eligible for Medicare coverage: The maximum amount to be contributed by the <br />City may not exceed Three Hundred Forty-one Dollars and four cents ($341.04) to the <br />Kaiser Health Plan, Three Hundred Thirty-two Dollars and seventeen cents ($332.17) to the <br />Blue Cross Health Plan, and Three Hundred Sixty Dollars and ten cents ($310.00) per <br />month to the CaliforniaCare HMO Plan. In the Event the amounts required by the health <br />plans exceed the maximum City contribution, such excess amounts shall be paid by the <br />retiree. <br />Retired employee dependent eligibility for City health plan contribution is conditional upon <br />the active enrollment of the retired employee. If a retired employee moves outside the <br />service area of his/her medical plan, the retiree will be allowed an opportunity within thirty <br />(30) days of such move to change medical insurance coverage. In the event the retired <br />employee moves outside the service area of all the plans, the city shall have no obligation to <br />arrange for medical insurance. The contribution toward retiree insurance will continue, <br />however. V a retired employee remarries, the retiree may add the retiree's spouse to the <br />medical insurance coverage at City expense. <br />The employer shall implement a medicare risk plan, which shall be made available to retirees <br />at no cost to the City. <br />C. Dental (Active) <br />The City shall contribute a maximum of Seventy Dollars and eighty-seven cents ($70.87) <br />per month per eligible management employee for current dental coverage provided by <br />MetLife. Any increases in dental insurance premiums during the term of this Agreement <br />shall be paid by the City. <br />