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MO 2000-021 to 2000-025
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 2000-021 to 2000-025
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7/12/2022 2:47:34 PM
Creation date
7/12/2022 2:46:49 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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subsequent pay period(s). Vacation leave will again accrue when the employee has returned to paid <br />status for the full pay period. <br />In the event one or more municipal holidays falls within a vacation leave, such days shall not be <br />charged as vacation leave and the vacation leave shall be extended accordingly for those employees <br />eligible for such holidays. <br />MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE <br />Management employees shall receive administrative leave pay at the rate of 80 hours per calendar <br />year; such amount shall be paid equally at each pay period. Such pay is in recognition of the <br />extraordinary hours worked by management staff. <br />Department Heads shall be subject to an annual performance review by the City Manager. The City <br />Manager, in his sole discretion may award additional pay based on performance, pursuant to the <br />provisions of the Pay Plan, Personnel Rules or other granted authority. <br />Effective immediately, administrative time provided under the management incentive program shall <br />be in the form of pay only. <br />kW1]_R MM11111R. <br />When management employees work extraordinary hours; due to large numbers of night meetings, <br />emergencies, major projects, etc., they may, subject to the approval of the Department Head, or in <br />the case of a department head, the City Manager, be authorized additional time. off. Such time will <br />be granted only for extraordinary hours; both in excess of the regular work schedule and that time <br />compensated for by administrative leave; and not exceed forty (40) hours per year. <br />In no event shall this time be construed to constitute overtime compensation nor shall it be applied <br />on an hour for hour basis. This time has not cash value and is not bankable. <br />SICK LEAVE <br />As part of the initial hiring agreement, the City Manager may grant to a new management employee <br />up to one-half of that employee's sick leave accumulated from the most recent employer. Such sick <br />leave shall not exceed twenty (20) work days. <br />The maximum sick leave accrual shall be two hundred fifty (250) days. <br />FUNERAL LEAVE <br />In the event of death in the immediate family of a management employee, the employee shall, upon <br />request to the supervisor, be granted such time off with pay as is necessary to make arrangements <br />for the funeral and attend same, not to exceed three (3) work days; additional funeral leave may be <br />granted, not to exceed a total of five (5) calendar days when such death and/or funeral is outside of <br />the nine (9) Bay Area counties. This provision does not apply if the death and/or funeral occurs <br />during the employee's paid vacation, or while the employee is on leave of absence, layoff, sick leave, <br />or any other leave status. <br />In extraordinary circumstances, the City Manager may extend the funeral leave by an additional two <br />days. <br />
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