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MO 1999-001 to 1999-005
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-001 to 1999-005
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
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John Jermanis - 2 - December 30, 1998 <br />Approval of Merger Between TCI and AT&T <br />The City Attorney's office has reviewed the merger documents presented by TCI, as well as the <br />Federal laws applicable to cable television mergers. There appear to be no grounds for the City <br />to disapprove the merge. Also, the request for approval of the merger, which comes within the <br />City's purview as a "Change of Control" per the City's Franchise Agreement with TCI, does not <br />afford the City any opportunity to negotiate new terms or services from TCI. <br />The merger can only be disapproved if the City is able to substantiate there are either legal, <br />financial or technical grounds to indicate that AT&T is unable to continue to provide cable <br />television services to San Leandro customers. Since TCI will continue to be maintained as a <br />wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T and will continue to provide cable television services per the <br />conditions of the Franchise Agreement, no grounds for disapproval could be found. <br />The City's Finance Director asked the City Attorney's Office to examine whether future changes <br />to "bundling" of cable services with other telecommunications services would impact the City's <br />Franchise Fees or Utility Users Tax (UUT) as they apply to cable television. According to the <br />Assistant City Attorney, federal regulations will determine future applications of franchise fees <br />to bundling of telecommunications services, and the City is in the process of amending the UUT <br />ordinance to insure that cable services, whether bundled or not, will still be subject to the UUT. <br />In essence, the City cannot apply conditions to approval of the merger that do not directly relate <br />to AT&T's ability to insure continued cable television services. In addition, federal regulations <br />dictate the City cannot unreasonably withhold approval of the merger. If the City takes no action <br />on the merger by January 15, 1999, the merger will automatically be approved. <br />Extension of Lease at 2850 Marina Boulevard <br />Based upon reported problems at TCI's Marina Boulevard facility, the City's Community <br />Standards Office made a cursory exterior inspection of the facility. Zoning Code and <br />Community Preservation Act violations, as well as violations of the terms of TCI's lease with the <br />City, were immediately noted. <br />Zoning Code violations include razor wire on the top of fences, elimination of all off-street <br />parking for customers, use of on -street parking for company vehicles, and expansion of the use of <br />the facility beyond what is permitted in the CR Zoning District. Outdoor storage of supplies at <br />the site is in violation of the Community Preservation Act. Installation of a new fence, the <br />addition of a new parking lot on the west side of the building and expansion of the use of the <br />facility beyond what was agreed upon in the terms of the lease all appear to have occurred <br />without the City's approval. The terms of the lease specifically call for written approval by the <br />City prior to any improvements to the property or changes of use. There is no official record that <br />TCI sought approvals for these matters from the City. <br />108 <br />
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