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City Council - 2 - June 15, 2000 <br />• Create the position of Assistant Public Works Services Director and set the salary range at <br />$6,376-$6,695-$7,031-$7,381-$7,751 per month (The creation of this position will eliminate <br />two positions of a Grounds Superintendent and an Operations Superintendent) <br />The Personnel Relations Board has also approved the following classifications reflected in the <br />upcoming budget year: <br />• Revise and re -title the Community Services Director to Library Director and Library Services <br />Manager to City Librarian; re -title the Recreation Programs Manager and Human Services <br />Manager positions to Recreation and Human Services Manager; re -title and revise the Events <br />Specialist to Recreation Coordinator; and, <br />• Create the position of Landscape Maintenance Worker III. (This will eliminate existing <br />positions.) <br />BACKGROUND <br />In order to reflect the needs and changes in the City Budget for 2000-2001, a study was <br />conducted to better understand the long-term staffing needs of the City. The City is anticipating <br />job openings in various job classifications throughout many departments. Those job <br />classifications needed to be updated, reformatted to the current standard format and then adopted. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The Human Resources Department conducted a detailed review of the Planning and Building <br />Division classification series and determined that it was appropriate to create two new non- <br />management classifications of Planner III and Plan Check Engineer. The Planner III will be an <br />advanced -level classification in the Planning series. Planner III is expected to undertake more <br />difficult and complex assignments in planning and administration of land use controls, <br />recommend policy changes and create procedures as needed. The position will oversee the <br />advance or current planning function of the Planning Division; in addition, will provide technical <br />guidance to support staff. The salary range recommended for the Planner III job classification is <br />$5,420-$5,705-$6,005-$6,321-$6,654 per month. In order to retain consistency in job titles <br />within this occupational group, it is also recommended that the Planner classifications be <br />changed from Assistant City Planner to Planner I and from Associate City Planner to Planner II. <br />The Plan Check Engineer will be an advanced journey -level engineering classification in the <br />Building Division. Plan Check Engineer is expected to undertake substantially difficult, <br />responsible, and technically complex civil or structural engineering duties; review and check <br />plans and specifications involved in submitting a building permit to ensure they meet structural <br />standards and comply with all applicable federal, state and local building regulations. The salary <br />range recommended for the Plan Check Engineer job classification is $5,399-$5,669-$5,953- <br />$6,248-$6,561 per month. <br />In addition, the City Council has already approved the reorganization of the Community Services <br />Department and its split into two new departments to be called the Library Department and <br />Recreation —Human Services Department. The Community Services Director job classification <br />