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City Council Staff Report November 5, 1999 <br />A-99-2 & PD-99-2 Page 2 of 8 <br />B. Approve the rezoning of the property from CC Community Commercial District to <br />CC(PD) Community Commercial, Planned Development Overlay District by adopting the <br />attached Ordinance; and <br />C. Approve by motion the redevelopment of the property with a Planned Development for <br />the construction of a new hotel and self -storage facility subject to recommended Findings <br />and amended Conditions of Approval. <br />This proposal would consist of redeveloping an underutilized property for a business -oriented <br />hotel and a self -storage facility. The proposed development and land uses will meet the objectives <br />of the Alameda County -City of San Leandro Joint Redevelopment Project Plan to improve the <br />economic health of the area. <br />SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL <br />Revised Site Plan <br />The revised plan shifts the hotel site in a northerly direction, away from the San Lorenzo <br />residences. The area between the hotel and the San Lorenzo Creek will become a portion of the <br />self -storage facility. The hotel will remain four stories, containing 121 rooms. The triangular <br />shape of the parcel will be approximately the same size as originally proposed. The self -storage <br />facility will be an "L-shaped" parcel wrapping around the interior property lines of the hotel site. <br />The plan retains the historic Captain Roberts home and access driveways as originally proposed <br />(See attached exhibits). <br />The new plan will provide a significantly larger separation between the San Lorenzo residents <br />and the hotel. The new separation between the homes and the hotel will be an average of 350 <br />feet versus a range of 180— to 230-feet on the original plan. In addition to the greater separation, <br />the self -storage will create a physical screen and buffer between the homes and the hotel. It <br />would be unlikely that activity in the hotel parking lot (i.e., lights and noise) would have any <br />impact on the residents. <br />The revised plan takes into account the San Lorenzo residents' concerns and recommendation to <br />reduce the visual impact of the proposed four-story hotel and its effects on the privacy of their <br />properties. <br />In addition to lessening the impact of the hotel on San Lorenzo residents, the revised site plan <br />benefits the project by enhancing the visual presence of the hotel by shifting it closer to <br />Lewelling Boulevard and the freeway system. The self -storage facility is also de-emphasized <br />from Lewelling Boulevard. <br />K <br />