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MO 1999-071 to 1999-075
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-071 to 1999-075
Entry Properties
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7/12/2022 3:11:16 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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A-99-4/PD-99-4 - 2 - November 9, 1999 <br />■ By motion approve the Planned Development to develop the property with 5 ownership - <br />housing units, subject to the attached findings and conditions of approval. <br />■ By resolution approve Vesting Tentative Map 7154, with the attached findings and <br />conditions of approval. <br />BACKGROUND <br />This property consists of two parcels measuring 100 by 134.5 feet with an area of 13,450 square <br />feet. Across the frontage of the property is a 7.5 by 100-foot strip of land that was formerly <br />dedicated to the City for street widening purposes. The City no longer proposes widening <br />Estudillo Avenue in this location so the area has been incorporated into the project. The land <br />will be abandoned by the City and will increase the total area of the site to 14,175 square feet. <br />DETAILS OF PROPOSAL <br />Surrounding Properties <br />This area is a mixture of multi -family residential and professional zoning. Uses in the area <br />consist of older single-family homes, professional offices, a rest home, a mortuary and the San <br />Leandro Main Library. <br />PD-99-4 Planned Development <br />The proposal is to construct 5 two-story townhouse units on this site. Three of the units will face <br />Estudillo Avenue with three separate driveways on the street frontage providing access to the <br />three attached garages. Two of the units will be constructed at the rear of the front units with <br />access provided by a driveway along the east side of the property. <br />All of the units are two-story with the master suite and a bathroom on the first floor and two <br />bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living and dining areas on the second floor. The units have a living area <br />of 1310 square feet and the garage is 509 square feet. There is a private back yard for each of the <br />units varying in depth from 21 to 15 feet and from 25 to 32 feet in width. The front setback for <br />the units fronting on Estudillo Avenue is 18.5 feet back of the sidewalk for the two end units and <br />22.5 feet for the middle unit. For the two rear units the front yard depth is 40 feet to provide <br />access to the garages. <br />Each of the units has an attached two -car garage. In addition to parking, there is ample space in <br />the garages for storage of refuse cans and recycling bins and additional storage space for the <br />benefit of the homeowner. The depth of the driveway is ample to permit parking of two vehicles <br />in front of the garage door without obstructing the sidewalk. The two rear units have <br />approximately 35 feet of paving in front of the garage door to facilitate access in and out of the <br />garage. <br />The buildings are as close as five feet to the west side and rear property lines and 20 feet from <br />the east property line. Because these are two story buildings, they only extend along a portion of <br />the property lines and the impact is minimal. <br />158 <br />
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