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MO 1999-071 to 1999-075
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-071 to 1999-075
Entry Properties
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7/12/2022 3:11:16 PM
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7/12/2022 3:09:42 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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A-99-4/PD-99-4 - 3 - November 9, 1999 <br />The exterior will consist of stucco walls and a concrete tile hip roof. Architectural enhancements <br />consist of stucco stone veneer, bay windows, build up stucco eve, accent stucco trim, arched <br />windows, wood shutters and sectional garage doors with strip windows. All of the driveways <br />and entry walks will be decorative concrete. The units are offset from each other to mitigate the <br />impact of a continuous building fagade. Bay windows in the dining room and the second floor <br />bedroom on the end units will add a desirable element to the interior of the unit and will also be <br />an interesting design feature to the side elevations facing the surrounding properties. Mail boxes <br />and utility meters will be located under the front entry stairway. <br />Building height is 19 feet to the eave line and 25 feet to the peak of the roof. The height to the <br />midpoint of the roof is 22 feet. <br />A-99-4 Rezoning <br />In conjunction with a planned development, the subject property must be rezoned to residential <br />classification to allow the proposed residential use. In this case, the property is presently zoned P <br />Professional District. The residential zoning classification that is consistent with the density of <br />the project is RM-3000 Multi -Residential district. This is equivalent to the project density of 1 <br />unit per 2835 square feet of land area or 15 units per acre. The recommended zoning is RM- <br />3000 (PD) Residential Multi -Family Planned Development Overlay District. <br />Vesting Tentative Map Tract 7154 <br />This project will consist of 5 individual parcels each with a townhouse unit. The parcels will <br />vary in width from 25 feet to 32 feet and in depth from 72.5 feet to 100 feet. Lot area will range <br />from 1813 square feet to 3200 square feet. There will be a joint access easement for parcels 4 <br />and 5 for use of the common driveway leading to the respective garages and parking for the two <br />units at the rear. There will be no common area in the development. Each homeowner will be <br />responsible for the maintenance of both the interior and exterior of the unit. Since there is no <br />common area, there will be no homeowners association of dues. <br />Walls and Fences <br />An 8-foot masonry wall is proposed along the side and the rear property lines. The private yards <br />for the units will be enclosed with a 6-foot high wood fence. Vines will be planted on the wall to <br />improve its appearance and reduce its attractiveness for graffiti. <br />Landscaping <br />A preliminary landscape plan has been submitted for the project. It includes a variety of trees, <br />shrubs, groundcover and vines that will grow on the masonry walls. There will also be street <br />trees planted along the Estudillo Avenue frontage of the property per the city street tree <br />standards. Tree sizes are indicated as 15 gallon. Staff is recommending the use of 24-inch box <br />trees including the street trees. The difference in size will make a substantial visual impact from <br />the street. The applicant is also working with the owner of the adjacent single-family home to <br />relandscape the front of her home to match the project. 159 <br />
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