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RECOMMENDED BUDGET STRATEGIES, 1997-98 <br />Downtown Parking 5200,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend an initial step to create additional <br />parking in the downtown. As downtown continues to attract new retailers and <br />other businesses, additional pressure is exerted on the existing, limited parking. A <br />progressive approach is recommended to set aside funds for the acquisition of <br />land and provide additional future parking <br />4. Park and Sports Complex Development 5200,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend further evaluation of program <br />alternatives for City park enhancement and development of a first-class sports <br />complex. Facilities may be jointly owned and operated with either of the school <br />districts and any existing sports leagues. <br />5. CIP Supplement Program $200,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend increasing the General Fund capital <br />improvement program by $200,000. Current funding of $2.000,000 represents the <br />minimum requirement to meet the City's identified long-term structure and <br />facilities needs and protect the sizable investment in public infrastructure. <br />Additional allocations have been considered by the Finance Committee for the <br />past three years. This allocation represents the first increase in capital <br />improvement funding since 1993-94. <br />REVENUE ADJUSTMENT <br />Seismic Retrofit at Fire Station Grant 5200,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend the application for State bond funds <br />for the seismic retrofit of fire stations nos. 10 and 11. The Division of the State <br />Architect will consider approval of grant funds from the Earthquake Safety and <br />Public Buildings Rehabilitation Bond Act for up to $200,000 for the two <br />earthquake -vulnerable stations. City capital improvement funds will be required <br />for the remainder of the project funding. <br />44 2 <br />