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<br /> <br /> <br />RFP No. 59548 Page 6 of 40 <br /> <br /> <br />5. Audit SLPD Misconduct Complaint and Discipline Process <br />a. The IPA will have access to the SLPD complaint database and regularly assess <br />issues such as the nature of complaints, how complaints are classified, and <br />whether investigation timelines are met. <br />b. The IPA will have access to SLPD personnel and discipline records and will <br />assess the discipline system for fairness and appropriate levels of discipline. <br /> <br />6. Audit SLPD Policies, Procedures, and Training: <br />The IPA will audit SLPD policies, procedures, and training. The following non- <br />exhaustive list of issues is indicative of what may be done: <br />a. Progress on meeting SLPD Strategic Plan goals – including in particular, goals <br />with regards to training on procedural justice, the Guardian mindset, <br />implicit/unconscious bias, and de-escalation; <br />b. Progress on SLPD compliance with CA Racial and Identity Profiling Act of 2015 <br />(RIPA) requirements, including SLPD stop data using SLPD data reported under <br />RIPA and other appropriate sources; <br />c. SLPD enforcement actions with regards to bias; <br />d. Individual use of force investigations, including Taser usage, and use of force <br />aggregate data; <br />e. Body camera usage by officers and review by supervisors as compared to <br />professional standards. <br /> <br />7. Recommend Changes/Improvements to Policy, Procedure, or Training <br />a. The IPA will review SLPD existing policies and procedures and evaluate new or <br />changed SLPD policies. <br />b. The IPA will review SLPD training. <br />c. Make written recommendations to the Police Chief for improvements or changes <br />to SLPD policy, procedure, or training. <br /> <br />8. Produce Reports <br />a. Regarding reviews conducted: <br />i. The IPA shall provide evaluations of cases to the Board, with a copy <br />provided to the City Manager and Police Chief. <br />ii. At least annually, the IPA shall review the IPA’s case evaluations with the <br />City Council. <br />b. IPA will publish public reports, at least on an annual basis, to include: <br />information about misconduct complaint investigations and trends; <br />recommendations concerning improvements to SLPD policy, procedures, and/or <br />training; results of audits. The IPA may be requested to present reports to the City <br />Manager and City Council. <br /> <br />9. Conduct Independent Investigations <br /> <br />In cases in which the IPA deems an investigation insufficient or the SLPD does not open <br />an investigation, and recommendations for additional investigation are not heeded, after