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<br /> <br /> <br />RFP No. 59548 Page 5 of 40 <br /> <br /> <br />b. Officer-Involved Shootings - IPA will review each Department investigation of <br />any officer- involved shooting (regardless of whether a person was injured) to <br />determine if the investigation was complete, thorough, objective, and fair. <br />c. Citizen Complaints – IPA may recommend to the Police Chief that an <br />independent investigation of a citizen complaint involving allegations of <br />excessive force or violation of civil rights be conducted. The IPA may interview <br />any civilian witnesses or complainants in the course of the IPA’s review of the <br />investigation into any citizen complaint. <br />d. Other review parameters: <br />i. At the discretion of the IPA, the IPA may attend interviews of <br />complainants, public witnesses, and sworn officers. <br />ii. The IPA may ask questions directly (civilians) or through the lead <br />investigator (police personnel), in a manner that will not disrupt the <br />timeliness or violate POBOR. <br />iii. The IPA will have full access to completed complaint investigation files; all <br />evidence related to the issue, reports (as allowed by state law), analysis, <br />proposed findings, and any proposed discipline. <br />iv. The IPA will provide evaluations as to whether an investigation is <br />complete, thorough, and objective and/or an explanation if more <br />investigation or a change in finding is recommended. <br />v. The IPA will document any recommendations on policy, procedures, or <br />training that arise from a complaint investigation. <br />vi. If an external investigator is used, the IPA will provide input into the <br />scope of work of the investigator. <br /> <br />3. Receipt of Cases <br />a. The SLPD and IPA will jointly prepare a documented process that sends notice to <br />the IPA of all complaints, classification of complaints and assigned investigator. <br />b. The IPA shall have a publicly noticed email and phone number to receive <br />complaints directly and will refer them to the SLPD for investigation. <br />c. In order to monitor cases and coordinate interviews as needed, the IPA will <br />receive updates from SLPD Internal Affairs regarding cases and investigations. <br /> <br />4. Notice of Death, Serious Injury, or Other Critical Incidents: <br />The IPA will receive timely notification of critical incidents with the ability to observe <br />the scene at the IPA’s discretion. Critical incidents include: <br />a. Officer-involved shootings, regardless of whether a person was injured; <br />b. A traffic collision involving police officers that result in death or serious bodily <br />injury to another person; <br />c. A use of force resulting in death or serious bodily injury per California definition <br />(injuries requiring hospitalization for an overnight stay) to another person; or <br />d. All deaths while an arrestee/detainee is in the custodial care of the police <br />department. <br /> <br /> <br />