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MO 1996-006 to 1996-010
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1996-006 to 1996-010
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7/14/2022 11:11:03 AM
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7/14/2022 11:02:47 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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required call out or authorized work related appearance on a <br />normal day off, a minimum four hours' pay at the overtime rate <br />will be paid for each of the first two such call outs, provided, <br />however, that a call out on a normal day off immediately before or <br />after scheduled duty hours shall be deemed an extension of the <br />shift and the four hour minimum shall not apply. for court <br />appearance on a normal day off, a minimum four hours' pay at the <br />overtime rate will be paid, plus payment of necessary and actual <br />expenses. For court appearances that extend through the court's <br />lunch period and the employee is required to return on the same <br />case that same afternoon, the employee will be paid for that <br />period of time at the overtime rate except for a one(1) hour lunch <br />period. At the employee's request and with the approval of the <br />Police Chief compensatory time off may be granted in an amount <br />equal to one and one-half time the overtime worked in lieu of pay. <br />Compensatory time may be used, and replaced, without regard to <br />frequency of use, as long as the account balance does not exceed <br />forty (40) hours. <br />In the event an employee is ordered by a magistrate to appear in <br />court and does appear on a day during which the employee has <br />called in sick, the employee will be paid overtime at the rate <br />listed for court appearance, except that employees working the day <br />shift shall not be paid overtime, but the hours spent at the court <br />appearance shall not be deducted from his/her accumulated sick <br />leave hours. <br />Section 8. Assianment Differentials <br />For the period of this Memorandum of Understanding, uniformed <br />sworn officers in the classifications of Police Sergeant and <br />Police Officer assigned to the patrol and traffic divisions, who <br />are assigned for at least thirty (30) consecutive days to such a <br />duty assignment, shall receive an additional One Hundred Dollars <br />($100) per month pay differential when so assigned. The $100 per <br />month is in recognition of assignments subject to rotating shifts <br />as well as the length of the work day for these assignments. It <br />is recognized and agreed that the work day for such officers will <br />be eight (8) hours and fifteen (15) minutes, which will include a <br />fifteen (15) minute period for briefing and roll call. During <br />this work day, a half-hour meal break may be taken only if the <br />work situation so permits. <br />Sworn officers regularly assigned to the investigation <br />division may receive a One Hundred Dollar ($100) per month <br />differential while so assigned; provided, however, that a call -in <br />procedure is agreed to between the Police Officers' Association <br />and the Police Chief. <br />Police Officers assigned as canine handlers shall receive a five <br />percent (5%) pay differential when the officer and dog are <br />0 <br />
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