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Packet 07182022
10A Consent
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8/25/2022 8:12:25 AM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br /> <br /> Managing Tomorrow’s Resources Today <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Jennifer Auletta <br />June 22, 2022 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />HF&H has procuring hauling services for similar jurisdictions throughout the area and our familiarity <br />with the City’s own hauling company, ACI. HF&H will incorporate any clarifications and additional <br />information from the meeting with the City into a PowerPoint presentation to provide to the Finance <br />Committee. The City will receive support from HF&H in putting together a staff report describing the <br />procurement options and recommendations by City staff for the City Council. HF&H will additionally <br />revise the Finance Committee PowerPoint and attend and present the City staff’s findings and <br />recommendations at one City Council meeting. <br />5. Support City staff in submitting appropriate disposal modification requests for 2021 reporting year. <br />HF&H will support the City to complete and submit disposal modification requests to CalRecycle for <br />the 2021 reporting year. The City will require three separate requests for the Davis Street Transfer <br />Station, the Aladdin Transfer Station, and Bluewater Environmental Services. HF&H will develop and <br />submit requests for information to each facility and follow-up, as necessary, to receive the required <br />data. The level of effort and quality of request to CalRecycle will be dependent on cooperation by <br />both facility owners. Although we cannot guarantee either facility’s level of cooperation, HF&H will <br />make reasonable efforts to obtain necessary documentation. This will include the submission of one <br />official request for information and subsequent follow up via a maximum of four phone calls or emails <br />to the appropriate facility contacts. HF&H will complete the submittal forms and provide them to the <br />City for review. We will incorporate one round of revisions prior to submitt ing the requests to <br />CalRecycle. If clarification on the submittal process or required documentation is required prior to <br />submitting the request, HF&H will help facilitate communication with CalRecycle staff to receive <br />further direction. Once CalRecycle has received the request, HF&H will support the City in responding <br />to questions from CalRecycle throughout their review of the disposal modification. <br />6. Additional support (as necessary). <br />HF&H understands meeting AB 341, AB 1826, and SB 1383 compliance will require a degree of <br />flexibility to respond to unanticipated challenges or discoveries. Furthermore, the City’s success is <br />dependent on an ongoing, successful, collaboration with multiple partners including ACI and <br />StopWaste, leaving the City partially subject to the progress of these partners. To account for <br />unforeseen circumstances that may arise, HF&H has included an additional fifteen percent <br />contingency within the proposed budget to meet the City’s needs, as they may arise during the <br />remainder of the 2022 calendar year. <br />Fee Estimate <br />HF&H proposes to perform this work on a time-and-materials basis, based on the rates contained in <br />Attachment A, and with a total not-to-exceed budget of $135,485. The table on the following page <br />presents our estimate of the hours, by position, that will be required to complete the scope of work <br />described above. This is just an estimate. HF&H reserves the right to reallocate budget across phases, <br />tasks, and staff positions in order to meet the needs of the project as it unfolds.
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