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L Wandzia Grycz - 6 - <br />Fiscal Impact <br />October 3, 1996 <br />The total amount proposed in the expanded Holiday and Promotions program <br />is $41,100. An amount of $15,050 would be expended for the new Community Services <br />activities. An amount of $26,050 would be expended on marketing, promotions, <br />Downtown lighting, decorative meter bags, and the Miracle on E. 14th Street event. Funds for <br />the proposed activities have been previously allocated in the FY1996-97 General Fund. <br />CONCLUSION <br />San Leandro is known for its small town feel and its big City services. The Holiday Events and Promotional <br />Program proposed above will enhance the activities already conducted by the Community Services <br />Department and the Downtown Business Association. Implementation of the Holiday Program will enhance <br />the range and depth of activities offered in San Leandro, leverage the re -opening of the Pelton/Scribner <br />Centers and provide support for both San Leandro's neighborhoods and the Downtown. <br />f.\nancNio]prom o.doc <br />