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Reso 1996-006 to 010
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1996-006 to 010
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7/14/2022 11:56:51 AM
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7/14/2022 11:54:12 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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STATEMENT OF FACTS: The closest of the residences to be developed <br />under Phase 2B would be more than seven hundred feet from the Southern Pacific <br />Railroad tracks and would be exposed to railroad noise of about 51 dBA, Ldn, which <br />is less than the City standard of 55 dBA, Ldn. No significant impact from railroad <br />noise would result from implementation of this phase of the project. As discussed in <br />the GDP EIR, railroad -induced ground vibration velocities would be below the human <br />perception threshold at all on -site locations. Exterior noise controls in the form of a 14- <br />foot air -tight sound wall would be constructed along the eastern property line of Phase <br />3 development contiguous with the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. The noise barrier <br />may be reduced to 13 feet at the northern portion of the Phase 3 development. While <br />a noise barrier will also reflect railroad noise back toward development on the east side <br />of the tracks, the limitations of acoustic reflection would result in an increase of about <br />1.5 dBA, which would be a less than significant noise impact to receptors on the east <br />side of the tracks. Flanking noise barriers would continue along the north and south <br />property lines for a distance of 240 feet from the centerline of the tracks. The flanking <br />barrier height may be reduced by two -foot increments at distances of 75, 100 and 150 <br />feet from the main barrier. <br />Exterior noise controls in the form of a 10-foot air -tight sound wall (relative to railroad <br />track elevation) would be constructed along the eastern property line of Phase 2A <br />development contiguous with the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. The southern end <br />of the barrier would continue for 120 feet south of Lot 77 to connect with the barrier <br />from Phase 1 development. A flanking noise barrier would continue along the property <br />line contiguous with Lewelling Boulevard for a distance of 90 feet from the main <br />barrier. An eight -foot flanking noise barrier would extend along the west side of <br />Anchorage Drive from Lot 16, along Lewelling Boulevard, to the west of lot 14, where <br />it would connect with the Lewelling Boulevard soundwall recommended in the GDP <br />EIR. Flanking barrier heights may be reduced by two -foot increments at distances of <br />75, 100 and 150 feet from the main barrier. Potential purchasers would also be <br />informed of nearby railroad operations prior to sale of new units. <br />E.3 POTENTIAL IMPACT: Aircraft generated noise levels may exceed <br />exterior and interior noise standards. <br />FINDING: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, <br />the project that avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant environmental <br />effect. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: All mitigation identified in the GDP EIR would <br />be implemented. While exterior aircraft noise would remain within the conditionally <br />acceptable land use compatibility category (55 to 65 dBA, Ldn), implementation of <br />recommended noise insulation features within the design would allow for development <br />commensurate with conditions specified within the City of San Leandro General Plan. <br />11 <br />
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