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EA POTENTIAL IMPACT: Project -generated traffic noise would result in a <br />significant noise impact to nearby sensitive noise receptors. <br />FINDING: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, <br />the project that avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant environmental <br />effect. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: A noise barrier would be constructed along the <br />Lewelling Boulevard extension east of the railroad tracks to reduce this potential impact <br />to less than significant. <br />F. CULTURAL RESOURCES <br />F.1 POTENTIAL IMPACT: The project would result in the disturbance of <br />identified historic resources on or near the project site. <br />FINDING: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, <br />the project that avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant environmental <br />effect. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: While the recorded and confirmed location of the <br />historic site (CA-ALA-549H - Trojan Powder Works) within the project site would be <br />disturbed during construction of Phase 3, the site does not meet either state or federal <br />significance requirements or requirements for National Register listing due to the poor <br />integrity of its physical remains. In addition, indirect impacts to the Roberts Landing <br />historical area may result from increased human activity on the project site and adjacent <br />areas (future regional trail use or visitation of open space habitat) and vandalism to <br />historic resources by pothunters. However, the physical remains of the Roberts <br />Landing area lack integrity, with no subsurface deposits evident to provide additional <br />new information. Mitigation Measures 3.8.3 to 3.8.7 in the 1992 GDP EIR would <br />mitigate this impact. These mitigations include the pre -construction delineation of <br />archaeological sites and loci with non-destructive pin -flagging followed by <br />archaeological monitoring of all project excavation activities. Any intact features <br />should be recorded as part of this monitoring program. If intact subsurface features <br />such as privies or trash dumps are uncovered, all work within 100 feet of the find <br />should be halted until recommendations made by a qualified archaeologist have been <br />carried out. In addition, mitigation proposed in the GDP EIR establishes a historical <br />resources interpretive program about the Trojan Powder Works Company and Roberts <br />Landing as part of the natural history restoration effort. The interpretive program will <br />be in place at buildout of the project and will preserve the historical role of the <br />Landing. <br />F.2 POTENTIAL IMPACT: Previously undiscovered historic or <br />archaeological resources could be disturbed and/or destroyed during construction or <br />occupation of the project. <br />12 <br />