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FINDING: Mitigation measures described in the Draft SEIR would avoid or <br />substantially lessen the potential significant environmental effect. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: Should previously undiscovered evidence of <br />cultural or historic artifacts or features of cultural significance be found elsewhere on <br />the site during project construction, land alteration work in the vicinity of the find <br />would be halted and the project archaeologist consulted. If resources appear to be <br />prehistoric resources, a local Native American representative would be retained to <br />perform on -site monitoring reconnaissance. <br />H. That the City Council finds that the City of San Leandro, as lead agency, <br />has conducted an independent analysis of the adequacy of the Draft and Final <br />Supplemental Environmental Impact Reports. <br />III. That the City Council imposes as conditions of approval all mitigation <br />measures provided in the Final Supplemental EIR. <br />IV. That the City Council certifies, as adequate the Final Supplemental <br />Environmental Impact Report for the Roberts Landing Residential Project Phases IA <br />and 1B. <br />V. That the City Council approves of and adopts the Mitigation Monitoring <br />Program provided in Appendix A to the final Environmental Impact Report. <br />Introduced by Council Member Myers and <br />passed and adopted this 16t h day of January 1996, by <br />the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: Council Members Galvan, Kerr, Loeffler, Myers, Perry, Polvorosa; <br />Mayor Corbett ( 7 ) <br />NOES: None ( 0 ) <br />ABSENT: None <br />Attest: 't�4j �. <br />Alice Calvert, City Clerk <br />13 <br />( 0 ) <br />