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EXHIBIT A <br />Scope of Services <br />January 17, 1996 <br />1.03 ADA Conformance: Each existing facility will be evaluated for general <br />conformance with the ADA terms of 1.) parking, 2.) access into and within the <br />site, and 3.) accessibility of site features and any play structures. Detailed <br />analysis and site specific remediation recommendations are beyond the scope <br />of this study. <br />1.04 Existing Funding and Budget Analysis: Review and summarize current and <br />projected future operating and capitol development funding sources and <br />budgets. <br />1.06 Existing Conditions Report: Document above information in an Existing <br />Conditions Report with text and graphics. Circulate to staff for review and <br />comment. <br />2. Demand Analysis <br />Purpose: To provide an accurate assessment of the community's current needs and <br />desires, and to forecast future demand for park and recreation services. The <br />demand analysis will create a defensible basis for the evaluation of deficiencies, <br />establishment of standards, and the development of specific short-term and long- <br />term action plan recommendations. <br />2.01 Initial Community -wide Public Workshop: Facilitate an initial workshop to <br />identify issues, recreation preferences, perceived needs, goals for the PMP, <br />and ideas for potential new facility and service improvements as they relate to <br />the broad community. Provide an open public forum for the discussion of <br />goals, issues, policies, and specific facilities development proposals. Prepare <br />workshop materials (i.e., agenda, handouts, presentation materials) and <br />facilitate and record participant discussion. Summarize workshop results in <br />a written report. <br />2.02 Demographics Analysis: Prepare a demographic profile of City residents, <br />both existing and projected through the year 2015. Highlight important <br />changes expected in the demographic composition of City residents and of <br />the business/industrial population. Draw conclusions and discuss <br />implications for future programs, facilities, service levels, and standards. <br />2.03 Existing Participation Rate Analysis: Obtain from staff the record of rates of <br />participation in City recreation programs. Analyze trends and summarize. <br />2.04 Comparable Communities Study: Identify up to five other cities that would <br />provide useful comparisons. Provide a tabulation of existing acreage ratios, <br />number of facilities provided per capita, and standards. Identify any unique <br />approaches to park planning issues. <br />Exhibit A City -Wide Park Master Plan <br />Page 3 of 6 Callander Associates <br />