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submit design calculations for all retrofitted items at the 90% <br />milestone for review. The Contractor shall prepare all contract <br />book documents conforming to the City standards. The City will <br />supply standard contract document templates for Contractor's use. <br />2. Cost Estimate - The Contractor shall provide an estimate of <br />construction cost for the work and shall provide a bid item list <br />with associated quantities to be included in the contract <br />documents. Quantity calculations shall be prepared for all bid <br />items. <br />3. Construction Schedule - The Contractor shall develop a probable <br />construction schedule for the work and recommendations for special <br />construction procedures and staging. <br />4. Seismic Assessment Calculations - The Contractor shall provide all <br />the structural calculations of the seismic assessment of the <br />facilities studied in Phase 1. They shall be prepared in an <br />organized manner and signed and stamped by a California registered <br />Civil or Structural Engineer. <br />5. Effluent Outfall Bypass Study and Design - The Contractor shall <br />provide a study of alternative outfall pipe configurations (Line <br />15). As a minimum the alternatives should include: (1) a <br />permanent underground gravity flow line; (2) an above ground <br />pumped bypass line with permanently installed piping; (3) and <br />above ground pumped bypass line with temporarily installed piping. <br />Upon determination of the selected alternative, it shall be <br />included in the drawings, specifications, cost estimate and <br />construction schedule of the retrofit items. <br />6. Meetings for Phase 2 - Contractor shall attend the following <br />meetings (1) Project Kickoff Meeting; (2) Bypass Study and Final <br />Retrofit Selection Review; (3) 90% Submittal Review <br />Deliverables for Phases 2 & 3: <br />The Contractor shall make submittals at the following levels of completion <br />10%, 50%, 90%, 95%, 100%. The content of the submittals are as follows: <br />10% Submittal - Contractor shall submit: (1) finalized list of items to be <br />retrofitted with a preliminary level Cost Estimate Summary; <br />(2) Seismic Assessment Calculations in a three ring binder; <br />(3) and Effluent Outfall Bypass Study. <br />50% Submittal - (1) Plans; (2) Outline Specifications; and (3) a revision to <br />the preliminary level Cost Estimate Summary. <br />90% Submittal - (1) Plans; (2) Specifications; (3) Calculations; and (4) <br />Building Permit Materials. <br />Exhibit A <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />9/26/88 Rev. <br />1/10/90 Rev. <br />