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Reso 1996-156 to 160
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1996-156 to 160
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7/14/2022 2:23:34 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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equipment locations and spacing and preparation of piping and instrumentation <br />schematics. Process calculations and design criteria will be developed and suppliers of <br />major equipment will be identified and contacted to determine realistic delivery schedules <br />and costs. <br />A geotechnical and structural evaluation will be made of the existing slab design and soil <br />foundation characteristics. Design criteria will be developed for the slab and any special <br />structures needed for the building. <br />Based on this work, a Preliminary Design report will be prepared which will serve as a <br />management plan for preparing the construction documents. In draft form, the Report <br />provides the City staff an opportunity to review the proposed arrangement of hardware <br />and buildings, equipment operating criteria, engineering design criteria and process <br />piping and controls. The Report will include a plan view of each process unit and at <br />least one elevation through the process as well as a Process and Instrumentation <br />Diagram schematic. Other information to be included will be a preliminary list of the <br />drawings needed for the work, and a listing of the technical specification sections. <br />During the City review, we will consult with EBMUD regarding their recommendations <br />and suggestions for other features to be included in the design. In addition, the Report <br />will include discussion on the cost benefits for using an ORP system for main process <br />control and design recommendations for hardware associated with the portable <br />hypochlorite equipment for the RAS and odor control systems. Calculation used for <br />decision is to be included in the report. <br />Task 2 - Mechanical Design <br />The mechanical design will include design, layout and specification of the new chlori- <br />nation equipment and piping. Modifications and connections to existing piping and <br />equipment will be incorporated in this task. Contract drawings, using City format with <br />AutoCAD ver 12, and specifications for all mechanical work will be prepared in this task <br />including outside piping. To the extent the Standard Specifications for Public Works <br />Construction are applicable to this work, they will be incorporated into our project <br />manual. Customized specifications for process piping, equipment and instrumentation <br />are anticipated. <br />Task 3 - Structural Design <br />The structural design work for foundations structures, pipe chases and supports contact <br />tank modifications and miscellaneous or special details will be provided in this task. <br />Structural elements will be designed in accordance with uniform Building Code standards. <br />Structural contract drawings, using City format with AutoCAD ver 12, and specifications <br />for the project will be prepared in this task. <br />Exhibit A <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />9/26/88 Rev. <br />1/10/90 Rev. <br />
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