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Reso 1996-176 to 180
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1996-176 to 180
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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STATEMENT OF FACTS: A traffic study was prepared by TJKM, <br />Transportation Consultants and is included as an attachment to the Initial Study and <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration. The traffic study established a baseline condition <br />to evaluate the impacts of the proposed project. The evaluation also included the <br />anticipated traffic impacts of the recently approved Residence Inn, which has not yet <br />been constructed. The City of San Leandro Engineering and Transportation <br />Department conducted turning movement counts at the study intersections during <br />the month of May, 1996 for morning and afternoon peak commute hours to assess <br />the existing levels of service. All intersections were found to operate at LOS A or B <br />during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. TJKM then evaluated the impacts of the <br />approved project. Three of the five intersections would still operate at LOS A <br />during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours (Marina Boulevard/Neptune Drive, Fairway <br />Drive/Neptune Drive, and Fairway Drive/Aurora Drive). The intersection of Marina <br />Boulevard and Aurora Drive would operate at LOS A in the a.m. peak and LOS B <br />in the p.m. peak. The intersection at Marina Boulevard and Doolittle Drive would <br />operate at LOS B in the a.m. peak and LOS C at the p.m. peak. TJKM then <br />evaluated the traffic impacts of the proposed project under several scenarios that <br />could be utilized to address existing traffic circulation patterns. The study <br />intersections under the first scenario, using existing circulation patterns, would <br />operate as follows: Marina Boulevard/Doolittle Drive would operate at LOS C in <br />the a.m. and p.m. peak hours; Marina Boulevard/Aurora Drive would operate at <br />LOS B in the a.m. and p.m. peak hours; and all other study intersections would <br />operate at LOS A in the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The City of San Leandro has <br />established a minimum of LOS D for San Leandro roadways and intersections. Any <br />projects that would result in a level of service worse than D would required <br />mitigation. None of the study intersections would operate at less than LOS C. The <br />traffic study concludes that the proposed project, along with other approved <br />projects, will not significantly impact the local street and circulation system. <br />Further, the establishment of the proposed project would generate less traffic than <br />what was generated by the Blue Dolphin restaurant and banquet facilities. Finally, <br />the traffic study does not require any mitigation measures. <br />e. PUBLIC SERVICES <br />EFFECT: This infill project which replaces a recently closed restaurant and <br />banquet facility is currently served by the City's police, fire and refuse collection <br />services. The services are expected to continue. <br />FINDINGS: Review of the building permits for this project, which will include <br />standard conditions of approval from the Police, Fire, and Engineering and <br />Transportation Departments, will ensure that the project's design will minimize the <br />need for significant additional services, e.g. security design and fire suppression <br />devices. This City review process will reduce the affect on City services to a level <br />of less than significance. <br />4 <br />
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