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2. SCOPE OF WORK <br />will discuss whether there are any cumulative impacts. As applicable, <br />mitigation measures will be identified as "Proposed as Part of Project" or <br />"Identified by this EIR." <br />To assist in compliance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 and to <br />facilitate adoption of conditions of approval, ESA will present mitigation <br />measures in clear language, using specific standards or other measures of <br />performance where possible (e.g., air and water quality standards). For each <br />measure that would require ongoing monitoring if adopted as a condition of <br />approval, ESA will present the measure in a form that can be easily <br />incorporated into a suitable monitoring program. In recognition of the <br />requirements of the CEQA Guidelines, the EIR will separate mitigation <br />measures that represent "changes" to the project from measures that are <br />proposed as part of the project, and will separate measures necessary to <br />mitigate significant effects from any other measures identified in the report. <br />Cumulative Impacts <br />The environmental analysis will also include identification and discussion of <br />cumulative impacts. As stated in CEQA Guidelines Section 15355(b), "The <br />cumulative impact from several projects is the change in the environment <br />which results from the incremental impact of the project when added to <br />other closely related past, present, and reasonably foreseeable probable <br />future projects." <br />Growth -Inducing Impacts <br />This EIR will review and discuss the potential growth -inducing impacts of <br />the development project. <br />Alternatives <br />As required by CEQA, the EIR will analyze a range of reasonable <br />alternatives to the proposed project. ESA is proposing to analyze up to three <br />project alternatives in the EIR. ESA would work with the City to craft these <br />alternatives. As required by CEQA the EIR would include a No -Project <br />Alternative; ESA will discuss the environmental effects that would be likely <br />to occur if the project is not approved. <br />Impact Overview <br />As required by CEQA Guidelines (Section 15126), and on the basis of <br />information presented in each EIR section described above and in <br />consultation with City staff, ESA will prepare the following additional EIR <br />sections: <br />9 of 37 <br />Boulders Residential Development EIR <br />