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<br /> <br />Construction Details <br />Details for all construction items illustrated on the construction plans. The details will <br />specify materials, dimensions, colors, and finishes and will be keyed to the plan. <br />Pavement and flatwork design will be based on the project geotechnical report’s <br />recommendations or City standard. Project will utilize City-standard plans and details for <br />curb ramps, sidewalks, signs, driveways, and other hardscape features. <br /> <br />Irrigation Plans and Details <br />Irrigation plans will detail the system layout, mainline, automatic controller, head layout, <br />piping, filter, and backflow device. In support of the irrigation plans, we will prepare <br />irrigation details that specify the method of construction and proper irrigation system <br />component procedures. The irrigation plan will comply with requirements in the State <br />Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). <br /> <br />Planting Plans and Details <br />Layout of all planting indicating plant species, quantity, size and location of all shrubs, <br />ground cover, and trees. In support of the planting plans, we will prepare planting details <br />that specify the method of construction and proper planting procedures. The planting <br />plan will comply with requirements in the State’s MWELO. <br /> <br />Specifications <br />Technical specifications (2015 Greenbook format, as applicable) will be provided as part <br />of the submittals listed in the tasks below. This scope assumes the City will assemble <br />and provide all general provisions related to this project. The 60% PS&E submittal will <br />include outline specifications only. <br /> <br />Construction Cost Opinions <br />CONSULTANT will prepare a construction cost opinion for the park at the 60%, 90%, <br />and final bid-ready stage. The detailed construction cost opinion will break out each <br />component of the design with item descriptions and unit costs. Due to many variables <br />surrounding bidding and construction conditions, this opinion will not represent a <br />guarantee that bids received will be equal to the opinion. Unit costs will use recent <br />project bid data and City-provided cost data. <br /> <br />San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) Standards <br />and Permitting CONSULTANT will assist the City with applying for a BCDC <br />Administrative Permit (Minor Permit) or Regionwide Permit No. 4 for the park project. As <br />the work falls within 100 feet of the Bay shoreline, this project would be considered a <br />Shoreline Project per the commission’s definition of activities requiring permit approval. <br /> <br />Subtask B.1: PS&E Coordination, QA/QC, and Meetings <br />CONSULTANT will prepare for and attend up to three virtual or in-person Client <br />meetings throughout the course of the final design phase. These meetings are intended <br />to provide an opportunity for staff to preview and provide input on the design progress, <br />to address issues that may arise, and for general coordination. These meetings will be