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To The Honorable City ici1 <br />City of San Leandro <br />June 16, 1977 <br />Page 3 <br />abutting properties in a manner that generates traffic to them. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: <br />All of the potential adverse environmental impact enumerated under CEQA <br />(California Environmental Quality Act) have been considered and no adverse <br />environmental impacts can be found. There are probably some either real or <br />presumed adverse impacts on affected properties, but those impacts are only <br />local, which can be remedied by payment of severance damage, and have no affect <br />on the environment as defined within the California Environmental Quality Act. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />I hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of San Leandro that they <br />declare: <br />1. The proposed project creates no environmental impact and therefore a <br />negative declaration be filed. (See Exhibit B). <br />2. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project. <br />3. The proposed project is planned and located in the manner that <br />will be most cable with the greatest public good and the <br />least private injury. �rApa- ibieQy <br />4. The property described herein (See Exhibit A) is necessary for the <br />proposed project. <br />Very truly yours, <br />R. H. Ward <br />City Engineer <br />RHW/aj <br />Attached <br />